November 9, 2009
FOSC Stormwater Committee Meeting Minutes


Ed Murtagh
Kit Gage
Wendy Bell
Jenny Reed
Diane Cameron
Tyler Pearce
Eliza Reed

Grant Projects

There have been 15 raingardens put in this year and there will probably be no more digs this fall. Kit Gage made a request to the grantors, the Chesapeake Bay Trust and the Takoma Foundation, to extend the raingarden installations into the spring.

The committee feels that it makes more sense not to do rain gardens when other things will work, such as as the use of native plants and rainscaping..

The County must be involved as collaborators with the goal of keeping rainwater on their properties particularly when we get into the area of hybrid public/private space.

Kit Gage mentioned the possibility of applying for a $5,000 mini grant, with an emphasis on neighborhood talks and walk-throughs. Also, there is a need for much better follow through on non-raingarden solutions. We can look into the possibility of the county providing plants for non-raingarden solutions and making accommodations for smaller projects that do not meet the current minimum size requirements.

Jenny Reed reported learning of a different method for preparing rain gardens, using an electric auger to dig holes which would be filled with gravel, planting up and then mulching.

Possible Collaboration with Clean Water Action

Tyler Pearce of Clean Water Action spoke about how Clean Water Action might support local watershed groups, helping with turn-out at events and advocacy. The creation of a bilingual flyer was discussed, one that could be handed out by CWA canvassers, mentioning links to websites of watershed groups in Montogomery County for people who want to get involved. They could also talk about upcoming events and other basic outreach material, including cleanups, work days and invasives pulls.

An idea for a FOSC bike tour of watershed areas, that would make stops at historical features, raingardens, was discussed, providing an opportunity for Stormwater Outreach, that would highlight

different watersheds such as Rock Creek, NW Branch and Sligo Watershed. People from FOSC could be on hand to speak at various sites.