Saturday, Feb. 15, 9:00am – 11:00am
Two events:
1) Litter Cleanup with FOSC & Potomac Conservancy
at Sligo Creek and East-West Highway, Chillum
at Green Meadows Park, 6310 Sligo Parkway, Chillum
– Nick Clements, Litter Hotspot coordinator
Sunday, February 16, 9:00am
Morning walk in Kestrel Meadow
7100 16th Place, Hyattsville, MD
Meet where 16th Place dead ends at the meadow.
Join us for a morning walk in Kestrel Meadow, where the early birds are getting the worms and the plants are preparing their spring frenzy. We walk the path that leads to Sligo Creek, making a loop around the meadow when possible.
Bring binoculars if you have some. There can be some muddy spots this time of year, and it’s always good to wear long pants and socks to deter ticks and protect against poison ivy.
– Kristin Zimmer, FOSC Board Member and Section 1 Steward
Sunday, February 16th, 1:00pm – 3:00pm
Litter Cleanup event in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Wayne Ave and Piney Branch Rd. (FOSC Section 4 – See the map). Meet at the Sligo Creek Parkway tennis courts adjacent to Piney Branch Rd. We’ll remove litter and help the creek and parkland welcome spring.
See the Calendar page for details on kids under 14 years old and SSL hours.
– Chris Richardson, FOSC Section 4 Steward
Sligo Creek connects us. Please join FOSC and help protect and restore the Creek for everyone in our community. It’s simple to do and can be free if you wish. Membership gives you early notice of events and the FOSC newsletter.
You can make a donation too, either online (simple and secure) or by check to FOSC, P.O. Box 11572, Takoma Park, MD 20913. Thank you!
Support Friends of Sligo Creek and help the creeks thrive in 2025!
Your support is key to our success.
-Sweep the Creek and Litter Hotspot clean-ups
-Weed Warrior work sessions to remove invasive plants
-Salt, E. coli, and other testing to understand threats to water quality in the watershed
-Advocacy work on many issues to protect the creeks
-Water WatchDogs pollution reporting
-Natural history posters for the kiosks
-Outreach to neighbors in English, Spanish and Amharic
News & Updates
FOSC in the News
FOSC’s efforts to support the plastic bag ban at the County Council hearing last Tuesday were noted in Bethesda Magazine’s Jan. 14th article, Supporters turn out for proposed plastic bag ban, citing environmental impact. Several members of the FOSC Advocacy committee testified in favor of the ban. Similar bans in Prince George’s and other nearby counties have been successfully implemented with little drama.
Winter scenes from Sligo and Long Branch
(Photos by Nathalie Peter – LB near Becca Lilly park, Lenore Boulet – footbridge over Sligo, and Susan DeFord – snow on native coneflowers)
The FOSC Salt Monitoring Program measured extremely high salt levels throughout Sligo Creek, Wheaton Branch, Long Branch, and Takoma Branch starting with our first snow storm and continuing to date. We are collating the data as of Feb. 6, 2025. The initial report is available on the Salt Monitoring Initiatives page under the Water Quality Monitoring programs tab.
Email the Water Quality committee at [email protected] to learn more and become a tester.
Sligo and Long Branch are in fine color this fall
This short YouTube video shows the beautiful fall pictures taken by longtime FOSC member Michael Wilpers in the Park. Thank you, Michael, and thank you Ed Murtagh for creating the video.
Check out the many other FOSC videos on our Youtube channel.
FOSC Listservs on
Friends of Sligo Creek – Main Listserv
FOSC Advocacy Listserv
FOSC-Stewards Listserv (for Section Stewards only)
FOSC-WeedWarriors Listserv (for Weed Warriors only)
FOSC Action Hub
Winter 2025 Top Invasives
- Porcelainberry
- English Ivy
- Bush honeysuckle
- Mulitflora rose
- Porcelainberry
- English Ivy
- Bush honeysuckle
- Mulitflora rose
Invasive: Italian Arum
Italian Arum is back in force around Sligo Creek and Long Branch. It has spread from nearby yards. One of the EDRR (Early Detection, Rapid Response) invasive species, it has many little “daughter” corms attached to its main corm which makes it difficult to remove completely. Dig it out carefully. Screen the loosened soil for small “daughter” corms. There is some evidence that spraying with glyphosate is effective at killing all its corms.
FOSC on iNaturalist
Heard about FOSC on but uncertain how to navigate the site or contribute your own observations? Expert birder and iNaturalist… Read more