
What FOSC does

Friends of Sligo Creek (FOSC) offers events year round in support and appreciation of Sligo Creek and adjacent parkland. Litter clean-up and invasive plant clear-out events are among the most popular FOSC activities in the spring, summer and fall. FOSC also sponsors guided outdoor explorations of different aspects of Sligo Creek flora and fauna. A wide variety of other programs throughout the year educate neighbors and users of the park about Sligo Creek’s strengths and challenges. FOSC also monitors the creek, advocating for civic policies that will support a healthier Sligo.

FOSC invites you to visit the creek, volunteer at an upcoming event, attend a program, advocate for the Creek, and join FOSC.

Sat, Nov. 16: Kestral Meadow walk
10:00am – 11:30am or so
7100 16th Pl, Hyattsville, MD 20783

FOSC members John Stith and Kristin Zimmer (FOSC Board member) have long been involved with the “Kestral Meadow” in the Pepco powerline in Sligo Section 1. They will lead the walk. Meet at the metal gate on the 7100 block of 16th Place, Hyattsville. Bring binoculars if you have some. The walk is free and happens rain or shine.

Sun, Nov. 17: Weed Warriors – Long Branch
1:00pm -3:00pm at Haddon and Houston St. in Takoma Park

All are welcome to help our oxygen-giving, carbon-fixing trees by removing non-native invasive species (NNI’s). We will be focusing on porcelainberry and may get to other NNIs.

Please register here: https://montgomeryparks.org/event/weed-warrior-long-branch-svu1/

Community service hours are available. If you are interested in becoming a weed warrior, find out more here. Weed warriors always welcome (even if registration is closed, just show up).

Bring loppers, pruners and/or folding saws if you have them. Wear long sleeves, pants, gloves and sturdy shoes. And bring water!

Sat, Nov. 23: Weed Warrioring event
9:00am – 11:00am at Acorn Hill School, 9504 Brunett Avenue, Silver Spring, 20901

FOSC Weed Warriors will join with North Hills of Sligo Creek residents to help manage non-native invasive vines and shrubs at the Acorn Hill Waldorf Kindergarten and Nursery. The school is adjacent to the old Parkside Headquarters for Montgomery Parks and to Sligo Creek. We will reduce the threat that invasives pose to the school’s woodland and to the park.

FOSC will have tools, gloves, and Weed Warrior Supervisors on hand. We can use your labor and enthusiasm at the first of what may become a series of work events!

Questions? Contact Ross Campbell at [email protected].

In the last two months, FOSC has led or participated in many events:

  • Ran two litter hotspot cleanups, at

    Wheaton Branch Stormwater Ponds and Long Branch Community Center

  • Ran the FOSC Stewardship Weekend – Sweep the Creek event at 8 sites in the watershed and two Weed Warrior events

    Thank you Ed Murtagh, Nick Clements, Greg Odegaarten, and the many Sligo Stewards who staffed the FOSC tables, gave out bags and grabbers, as well as the Weed Warriors and all the Sweep volunteers! We filled 90 bags of trash and recyclables, pulled bags of non-native invasive plants, and made the creeks and parks a better place for people, plants and wildlife. Thank you all! More photos will be added to the Sweep the Creek Event Photos page shortly.

  • Ran the Tree Hug Tree Appreciation Event in mid-Sligo at Dallas Ave. Thanks to Bruce Sidwell, Ross Campbell and Kit Gage who took groups of people around the meadow identifying the tree species. Participants helped plant a pawpaw and another tree provided by the Parks Dept.
Preparing the planting hole for the new tree.
Placing a wire mesh fence around the newly planted tree to protect it from deer.
  • Litter Hot Spot cleanup at the Long Branch Community Center in Oct where volunteers gathered to pick up litter then sort it to help us track the most common types of litter for use in our advocacy efforts.
  • The FOSC native plant sale, the largest for FOSC and our partner nursery, Seeds of Change.
  • Tabled at the grand opening of the Downtown Silver Spring MOM’s Organic Market and at the Takoma Park Folk Festival.

News & Updates

Sligo and Long Branch are in fine color this fall. This short YouTube video shows the beautiful fall pictures taken by longtime FOSC member Michael Wilpers in the Park. Thank you, Michael, and Ed Murtagh for creating the video.

The Sligo Garden Program is Sold Out!

The Sligo Garden Program 2024 has sold out of both the garden kits and the design consultations. Every native plant counts for pollinators, and every sq. ft. of permeable conservation landscape helps absorb rainwater and reduce the stormwater entering the creek. You are adding resilience to our local ecology! Thank you to all who have participated in this program. We hope to obtain further grant funding to bring back this popular program.

Want to know what it was all about? Check out the Sligo Garden Program page under the Stormwater tab above.

President’s Day Sweeps pulled a huge amount of litter from Sligo

Mini-sweeps at 3 trash hot spots yielded an impressive amount of trash from the creeks over the President's Day weekend. Altogether, 101 volunteers hauled 118 bags of trash, [...]

Faring well? Sligo and Long Branch in a warming climate

Faring well? Sligo and Long Branch in a warming climate How healthy are Sligo, Long Branch and NW Branch? The Water Quality Committee of FOSC invites you [...]


FOSC logo

Sligo Creek connects us. Please join FOSC and help protect and restore the Creek for everyone in our community. It’s simple to do and can be free if you wish. Membership gives you early notice of events and the FOSC newsletter.

You can make a donation too, either online (simple and secure) or by check to FOSC, P.O. Box 11572, Takoma Park, MD 20913. Thank you!

FOSC Action Hub

Sligo Creek Water WatchDog mascot

Report water pollution ASAP!
Send an email to:
[email protected]

You play an important role protecting Sligo. Please report any pollution you see in the creek or heading into a storm drain ASAP, with photos, which help County investigators find and fine the pollutors.

A lone duck swimming in polluted water in between sewer pipes crossing the stream.

A lone duck swims in polluted water between sewer pipes crossing Brashears run near Maple Ave. in March 2024. (Sally Taber photo)

Fall 2024 Top Invasives

 Invasive: Italian Arum

Italian Arum is back in force around Sligo Creek and Long Branch. One of the EDRR (Early Detection, Rapid Response) invasive species, it has many little “daughter” corms attached to its main corm which makes it difficult to remove completely. Dig it out carefully. Screen the loosened soil for small “daughter” corms. There is some evidence that spraying with glyphosate is effective at killing all its corms.

FOSC Videos

See many more on the FOSC Youtube Channel

 FOSC on iNaturalist

Pine Siskins at Wheaton Branch Ponds by Stephen Davies

Heard about FOSC on iNaturalist.org but uncertain how to navigate the site or contribute your own observations? Expert birder and iNaturalist… Read more

FOSC on YouTube

Support FOSC

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FOSC on Facebook

Get Involved

  • Participate in your community
  • Meet your neighbors
  • Improve your surroundings
  • Enhance your skill set
  • Advocate for the Creek
  • Arrange a group activity for your club or group
  • Receive the monthly eNewsletter
  • Get early notice of events and special opportunities
  • Have your name forwarded to your Section Steward for hands-on events
  • Contribute to special projects
  • Fund outdoor events, expert talks, equipment for invasive plant/litter removal, the kiosks in the park, water quality testing, and more
  • Support FOSC’s outreach to schools, civic groups, and all communities
  • Tell us about your experience at a FOSC event
  • Suggest an activity
  • Voice your concern about an environmental issue
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