FOSC Physical and Chemical Data
I. FOSC Chem/Bio WQ Monitoring: Summary Data
(Note: to see Coliform data visit the FOSC Coliform Data page)
Please let us know if you have any questions regarding the results, which we’ll share with DEP and Parks.
Thanks to Dean and Sally for February’s abbreviated water quality monitoring sessions (Our colorimeter is still in the shop, so the team has done what they can with test strips and the Exstik monitor.). Their notes:
“Bacteria were low at all the mainstem sites except Blueridge, and were quite high at Bennington and Wayne (old outfall). Phosphorus was high (up to 30) at several sites, both mainstem and tribs. Both old and new outfalls at Wayne Ave. were streaming slowly, and both culverts were one-third filled with sandbags, so the water was up to the top of the bags in both. See photos. The measures from the two were pretty consistent except for bacteria, where the old outfall was much worse than the new one. pH was low at several sites, uncharacteristically below 7.”
Air quality was generally in our moderate range, not uncommon for late winter readings. pH from tribs were usually a pH unit or more lower than main stem readings this time. The differential coliform readings at Wayne Ave (old pipe/new pipe) may(?) shed some light on the persistent source. Other notable findings at selected sites include —
Scuzzy oily sheen on water, spring flowers near creek (crocuses or spring beauties or snow drops) starting to blossom.
Algae readings were quite high here, and lights suds stream making its way downstream after the bridge cross-vane. Conductivity on the moderately high side here as well.
Nitrate reading was unusually high here (3.5 ppm), flow rate was high and the water was murky. Chloride reading was fairly elevated (352 ppm). Conductivity was towards high side of medium range, normal for this site which typically has our highest readings. Coliform readings quite elevated.
Both new and old outfall pipes had elevated chloride readings (242 ppm). Phosphorus readings quite high (30 ppm) in both, and conductivity just a shade below Bennington’s reading. The real differentiator was coliform – much higher at the old outfall v. new outfall (6400 v. 300 cfu/100mL).
Orange iron floc bacteria heavy here on rocks, water quite murky. Source of polluted water seen downstream at Jackson Ave site on same day. Total coliform high, E. coli at 0.
Please let us know if you have any questions regarding the results, which we’ll share with DEP and Parks.
–Pat Ratkowski
Thanks to Dean and Sally for December’s water quality monitoring fieldwork. Notes directly from the team: “Notable this month are the very high flow, high chloride, and zero Coli. at Bennington, no doubt due to the week-long water main break in downtown SS. (Although I note that chloride has been even higher here in previous months when flow was much lower.) Also, bacteria at Wayne was actually countable (although still high) this month.” Other highlights included:
Chlorine levels elevated here again, phosphate and copper readings slightly high. Coliforms were somewhat elevated from the site’s norm, especially for a winter reading. Noise level and conductivity reading were low.
Turbidity still relatively high, but free and total chlorine levels down substantially. Flow rate low, conductivity slightly higher than Blueridge upstream.
Chlorine levels on higher side here again. Phosphate as well, but conductivity, chloride, and coliform all on the lower side.
Free and total chlorine somewhat elevated here as well, and conductivity up here, per usual. Persistent bubbles on water surface. Phosphate and nitrate readings toward higher end of range. Chloride came in quite high here (203 ppm per SaltWatch Hach strip).
Most readings crept up into average/elevated range here this month, particularly chloride and chlorine results. Phosphate and copper also slightly elevated. Little flow at trib juncture.
Conductivity was lower than winter usual here b/c WSSC pipe break (highest flow rate Dean has seen here). Chlorine concentration was elevated, as were nitrate and phosphate. No coliform readings – highly uncharacteristic – likely because of the chlorinated water flow.
Turbidity was extremely high here, likely due to PL construction site machinery. Chloride was overrange and conductivity levels were slightly elevated, though far below usual winter readings. Coliform bacteria levels were – for a change – low enough to count, though still high for any normal testing site. Nitrate reading appeared high as well, and the site was noisy.
Most parameters came in right around seasonal averages or lower than normal. Turbidity slightly elevated, and total coliforms were fairly high again here (4500 cfu/100mL), especially for a winter reading. Evidence of high-water marks from recent storm (3.5” rain) were on bank.
Chloride was elevated here (106 ppm), as were nitrate (3ppm) and phosphate. E.coli way down from last visit. pH came in at 9.03, and coliforms were higher than expected again.
Free and total chlorine readings were half of prior month’s readings, but still on high side (.19/.21 ppm, respectively). Phosphate came in quite high (approx. 7ppm). Turbidity also a bit elevated, and there was a skunky odor observed near the testing site.
Central (Long Branch):
Chlorine levels continued to ease down here, but still in the .17 ppm area. pH was remarkable at 9.37. Chloride was a bit high at 85ppm per SW Hach strip.
13th Avenue:
Chlorine readings much lower here (.05 ppm) than upstream. Coliforms surprisingly high, and pH at almost 9.5 – our highest reading. Phosphate came in high (10ppm). Other readings seasonally expected.
Hello Everyone,
Thanks to Dean and Sally for handling November’s water quality monitoring visits. Field notes from the team: “Notable were very high salinity/TDS/conductivity at Bennington, and the usual TNTC bacteria at Wayne. Total Coli was very high at Fleetwood, and bacteria was higher than usual at Jackson.” Other findings include —
Free chlorine elevated here as usual, and there was an oily sheen on water surface. Turbidity slightly elevated, total coliform numbers were high but E.coli was much lower than prior month.
Turbidity better than last month, but free and total chlorine levels quite high again. Heavy leaf litter, many birds, and light trail use.
Turbidity slightly higher than at two upstream sites, free and total chlorine also anomalously high. Phosphate a bit higher than usual and heavy algae cover on stream bottom. Heavy leaf litter as well.
Free and total chlorine somewhat elevated here as well, as was conductivity. Flocks of birds moving through, heavy leaf litter on bottom.
Readings all seasonally expected and on mid- to low-side. Except for oranges and apples in the Creek — a first for the team.
Conductivity was up to expected mid-winter levels, and nitrate was elevated. Chloride was overrange. Quiet except for a murder of crows.
Coliform bacteria levels were too numerous to count (TNTC) as is almost always the case here, turbidity was high, and free chlorine and chloride levels were elevated as well. Low level of nitrite detected here. Creek water appeared dark (likely tannins).
Free and total chlorine eased down considerably, but turbidity was surprisingly high for this site. Air quality was slightly poorer than usual (27ug/m3 for PM10)(measured 11/24 at 1:50pm). Coliforms were elevated.
Free chlorine and conductivity were somewhat elevated. E.coli way down from last visit. Trash here, pair of sunglasses available.
Free and total chlorine readings were highest here of all sites (.35/.53 ppm, respectively), almost exactly same levels as last month. Turbidity also a bit elevated, but other parameters around seasonal averages. Lots of birds and walkers out.
Central (Long Branch):
Chlorine levels about half of last month’s readings, but still in the .25ppm range. No E.coli, but total coliform at 4100 cfu.
13th Avenue:
Chlorine readings lower here than upstream, and last month. Surface film on water in eddies. Other readings seasonally expected.
Hi Everybody,
Thanks to Dean, Sally, and Rhonda for handling October’s water quality monitoring. Field notes from the team were as follows: “Dennis, Bennington, Wayne, and Jackson were over-range for chloride, and several others were in the high 20’s ppm. Chlorine was anomalously high at Central, Fleetwood and Jackson. Turbidity was extreme at Wheaton (31 FAU) and Wayne (30 FAU). At 13th Ave., there were numerous white almost web-like patches on the rocks in the eddies near shore. We took a second bacterial sample that included a rock where the white stuff was visible in the water, but disappeared when we gently lifted the rock from the water.” Other notable findings include —
Coliform and free chlorine were elevated here again this month. Appears to be our quietest monitoring site, on average.
Turbidity was extremely high this time, quite unusual for this site just downstream of the Kemp Mills storm water pond system.
Turbidity above had passed by or settled out at this site. Chloride reading was elevated, but coliform was far lower than at the two upstream sites above. A fair bit of algae on rocks here and minnows were present.
A bit more turbid than usual here, and leaf litter heavy on the stream bottom.
All readings near seasonal averages except free chlorine (.24 ppm) which came in unusually high for this site.
Conductivity, nitrate, chloride, free chlorine, and coliform bacteria were all higher than usual here. Mosquitoes were high as well.
Coliform bacteria levels were surprisingly low here, but turbidity was high (“very milky”), and chloride levels were unusually elevated as well. PM10 air pollutant measurement was also higher than normal (22 ug/m3).
Free and total chlorine were quite high here again (.29/.65ppm, respectively), as was phosphorus (9ppm).
Turbidity was somewhat elevated again, and a lot of E.coli here this time (4500 CFU).
Chloride and chlorine levels both elevated here, with free and total chlorine readings almost the same as Fleetwood upstream (.35/.59 ppm, respectively).
Central (Long Branch):
Chlorine elevated here as well (.32/.57 ppm, free/total).
13th Avenue:
Chlorine readings lower here (.20/.31 ppm, free/total), and unusual white, filamentous covering on rocks noted by the monitoring team. This layer holds more coliform bacteria than the water column, but not unusually high for Sligo Creek. Sewer pipe above water line noted as well.
Thanks to Dean, Sally, and Briana for handling August’s water quality monitoring sessions. Notable again were high salinity/chlorides at several sites, with chlorine and surfactants also higher than average. Coliform bacteria were particularly high at the Blueridge Ave, Dennis Ave, Bennington Dr, and Wayne Ave sites again. Weather was milder than in July, with cicadas out in force and fish seeming to be more common than earlier in the summer. Quick highlights —
Coliform (becoming a pattern), chlorine, and phosphorus levels were elevated here this month, but the team saw more fish than ever before. Dragonflies, mosquitoes, crows, and cicadas were near the site.
Chlorine was quite high here (.40/.54 ppm, free/total chlorine respectively). Other parameters were around summer means.
Similar readings to Wheaton site above, with chlorine a bit lower, but coliform quite elevated for this site (900/3200 cfu, E.coli/Total coli, respectively). Minnows and water striders spotted.
Parameters all around summer normal here, with fish evident.
All readings below summer averages here except chlorine and surfactants, which were higher than usual.
As is usually the case, conductivity was highest at this site, and surfactants, nitrate/nitrite, and chlorine continue to be elevated.
Coliform bacteria at levels too numerous to count again, and surfactants extremely high (7.1ppm LAS). Conductivity reading was second only to Bennington Dr, and turbidity was off the charts bad at 97.
Free chlorine quite high here (.29ppm) compared to average, and turbidity a bit higher than normal here (just downstream from PL construction).
The story here was not chlorine for a change, and surfactants eased down some as well. Water was quite murky with a bluish tint, and lots of trash apparent. Conductivity was surprisingly high for this site in summer (704 uS), as was chloride (143 ppm).
Surfactants at 4.2ppm and chlorides on the high side. pH was 8.23, a bit higher than other sites.
Central (Long Branch):
Chloride elevated here as well, an surfactants at 4.6 ppm LAS (elevated readings becoming more common here).
13th Avenue:
Chloride was on the relatively high side here again. Water was almost 26C, and pH came in at 8.44. A lot of fish, minnows through juveniles, present this time around.
–Pat Ratkowski
Hi Everybody,
Thanks to Dean, Sally, and Rhonda for taking care of July’s water quality monitoring along the Creek. We had guests out with us at the 13th Avenue site this month; MCPS high school students with the Summer Rise program who are studying scuba diving and wanted a look at the upstream world that feeds into the ocean. Notable this past month are high salinity/chlorides at several sites, which is becoming a theme. Coliform bacteria were particularly high at the Blueridge Ave, Flora Lane, Bennington Dr, and Wayne Ave sites. Weather was hot and humid, and air quality was mostly good to fair, at least an improvement on June’s wildfire-induced highs. Other salient items —
Most readings on low side here, but water temp was extremely warm (28.9C) and flow rate quite slow. Nonetheless, the team saw minnows in the water here for the first time in almost two years. Coliform levels were quite elevated. A frog, a dragonfly, mosquitoes, and animal tracks rounded out the findings here.
Turbidity high here again, as was the phosphate reading (5ppm). Chlorine and surfactants were in the middle of their customary ranges, but conductivity was quite low (175 uS). Algae had died back some, crows and other birds visiting. Low flow rate and few people along paths.
Similar readings to Wheaton site above, which is just upstream. Chlorides a bit high compared to the mean, but otherwise a relatively clean set of readings. Minnows and water striders spotted, and about two dozen people using the park (playground, walkers, bikers, etc.)
Conductivity and surfactants were a bit high compared to other upstream sites, but other readings were lower than summer averages. Water temps here 4C cooler than Blueridge. A large frog jumped in this trib as our team arrived.
All readings below summer averages here except free chlorine, chloride, and copper, which were all markedly higher than average. Turbidity lower here than at other upstream sites. Lots of grass and weeds, as well as birds. Minnows spotted along bottom. Mower noise clear for a while.
As is usually the case, conductivity was highest here, surfactants were a bit high (4.5ppm LAS), and nitrate/nitrite was relatively high (5/.15 ppm). Heavy layer of brown algae on spillway.
This site has been transformed by PL construction. Old outfall is largely filled with gravel, new outfall is not operational. While much has changed, this site still cranks out coliform bacteria that is too numerous to count. Conductivity reading was second only to Bennington Dr, and nitrite was our highest reading ever (1.5ppm).
Free chlorine quite high here (.28ppm) compared to average. Turbidity and phosphate readings all on the high side of normal here. Fair bit of algae on stream bed, lots of birdsong and foot traffic.
The story here was chlorine levels (.32ppm/.44ppm, free/total respectively) and surfactants (4.5ppm LAS). Water had a milky appearance, cicadas heard, and garbage truck working nearby.
Chloride was over range here, testing out at about 85ppm via secondary test strips. Chlorine was also on the high side, similar to Brashears Run numbers above. Birds singing and many pedestrians and bikers using path.
Central (Long Branch):
Phosphate at 5ppm here, with surfactants at 3.6ppm. While this site has often been consistently highest for chlorine levels, this month it got a reprieve. Three minnows, five water striders, a light breeze, and a few crows.
13th Avenue:
Chlorine readings were fairly low, but chloride was high again here. The other surprise was pH, clocking in at 8.77, with warm temperatures (27C). Other parameters comfortably below summer averages. Birds were busy, and we saw five minnows and one yellow swallowtail butterfly.
Please let us know if you have any questions regarding the results, which we’ll share with DEP and Parks.
Thanks to Dean, Sally, and Rhonda for being June’s water quality team along the Creek. They sampled eight sites this month, where the big story was uniformly poor air quality from Canadian wildfires. Water temperatures were unusually warm, and conductivity and coliform readings were quite high at many of the sites. Most notable finds at each site —
Flora Lane
Conductivity reading was high for this site (808 uS), and water temperature at 25C, unusual for this shaded tributary. Lots of sediment and leaf litter on the bottom here.
Chlorine, turbidity, and coliform (too numerous to count) were all higher than expected here. Conductivity would be high for other sites, but is about average for Bennington in summer (1038 uS).
Wayne Ave
Coliforms here were too numerous to count as well, which, unfortunately, has become standard here. Conductivity, surfactants, and chlorine (.32 ppm free Cl) were all higher than normal here, and chloride was overrange. Nitrate (3.5 ppm) and water temperature (28.6 C / 83.4F) came in with unusually high readings.
Fleetwood Terrace
E. coli much higher than usual here (2200 cfu/100 mL), surfactants were up at 4.5 ppm LAS, and total chlorine came in at .61ppm. Phosphate was quite elevated at 15 ppm. This site appears to be heavily influenced by Wayne Avenue outfall, and there there was heavy algae growth on the bottom of the stream.
Brashears/Maple Ave
Chlorine was high here, as were surfactants. Lots of trash as usual, and water had a milky cast to it (this appears to be standard here).
pH here was on the high side (8.35), especially outside of winter and spring. Chloride was overrange here as well, free chlorine was at .24 ppm, but copper and nitrate were relatively low. Trail was well-used and trash was near site.
Central Ave
Chloride was overrange at this trib as well, and surfactants were almost 5 ppm LAS. White suds were present along the bank. Turbidity was much higher than average (15 FAU), nitrate/nitrite was quite low, and air quality was poor this day. Coliforms were very low.
13th Avenue
This site’s readings were average to low (there’s one), except for air quality (30.4ppm/47.4ppm, PM2.5/PM10 respectively). Heavy trail use and a fair bit of trash.
Thanks to Dean, Sally, and Rhonda for taking care of April’s water quality monitoring along the Creek. Notable this month are high salinity/chlorides at several sites, and unusually high total coli at Dallas and Dennis, as well as the usual problems at Wayne and Blueridge (Dean’s summary). Air quality was very good to excellent.
Most readings on low side here, though chlorides were a bit higher than usual, and phosphorus appeared slightly elevated (5ppm). Water had blue-gray murkiness and there was a musty odor.
Turbidity again quite high here, and phosphorus, nitrate, and nitrite levels were higher than normal here. Heavy algae and low flow rate.
Surfactant levels down substantially from prior readings. Other values quite similar to Wheaton site’s data (about 400 meters upstream). E.coli and total coliform were surprisingly high here this time.
Flora Lane:
Turbidity and conductivity a bit to the high side compared to other sites, and both chlorine and surfactants were higher than norms here. Seeds and particulates on water surface. Many bikers/walkers.
Surfactants still a bit high (4.6 ppm LAS) but continuing downward trend. Turbidity much lower here than at upstream sites. All other readings on low side of seasonal norms.
Conductivity was highest here of all April sites (same as last month), surfactants were a bit high, and chlorides came in over range. Ion issue here is fairly consistent. Nitrates and phosphorus also toward the high end (7ppm/5ppm, respectively). Bird song and potato chip bags.
Surfactants down about 40% from prior month, but chlorides were over range (approx. 200 ppm). All other readings were fairly low, except phosphorus (5ppm), and there was a great deal of algae on the stream bed. PL construction noise was evident, and birds did their best to match the dBA.
Chlorides over range here as well, and both phosphorus and nitrates were on the high side. Chlorine levels also on the higher side of average (.17ppm/.25ppm, free/total respectively). Water had milky appearance and stream had lots of trash along banks.
pH back up to 8.32 from last month (6.00). Chlorides over range here as well, and both conductivity and chlorine were on the high side here, similar to Brashears Run numbers. Good trail usage, decent bird turnout and the mosquitoes are back.
Central (Long Branch):
pH here was down to 8.00 from last month’s 9.04. Phosphorus lower here than at most other sites this month, but chlorine toward the high side. Leaf blowers again, plus birds and a few walkers and cyclists on trail.
13th Avenue:
Chlorine readings even higher here (.18ppm/.32ppm, free/total respectively) than the two prior upstream sites. Surfactants down, turbidity average, phosphorus at 0 here. Air quality alert on this day (4/21/23) and PM10 came in at 41ppm. Leaf out underway, and a handful of bikers and walkers on trail.
Thanks to Dean, Sally, and Rhonda for taking care of this March’s water quality monitoring along the Creek. They were unable to sample at Wayne Avenue because of new construction surrounding the outfall.
Overall heavy algae at almost every site, E.coli very low except at Fleetwood Terrace site (not far downstream from Wayne Avenue), and most readings fairly low except for chlorine being quite high at Dallas Ave site.
Lots of trash and a new tree fall. Chlorine still slightly high, but turbidity at zero – huge contrast to last month. Air quality was excellent and noise levels were low.
Turbidity up somewhat and algae levels were quite high. Chlorine slightly elevated (not uncommon here), but other parameters all looking on the good size of average. Lots of people, birds, and deer around.
Surfactant levels are elevated again (5.7 ppm). Chlorine slightly lower than Wheaton’s numbers. Leaves greening out, fish spotted nearby.
Conductivity levels were moderate here this month, chlorine was surprisingly low, and surfactants were 0 ppm – probably unprecedented here.
Chlorine levels were quite high here this time (.35/.49, Free/Total), and surfactants were back at readable level, though still high (5.3 ppm LAS). Lots of foot traffic and bird song.
Conductivity was highest here of all March sites (1245 uS), and surfactants were a touch higher than Dallas’s numbers. Other parameters all looking on the good size of average.
Surfactants (7 ppm) and ammonia (.35 ppm) were higher than usual here. This site is about 100m downstream from PL construction and the Wayne Ave outfall. E.Coli was high (1500 cfu) and it was noisy (62.4 dBA).
Hi Everyone,
Thanks to Dean, Sally, and Rhonda Kranz for taking care of this month’s water quality monitoring.
Generally, salinity/conductivity readings were lower than expected for winter, and coliforms were quite low, except at Wayne Avenue and Bennington Drive. Some of the most salient results by site —
Turbidity was extraordinarily high (highest reading we’ve ever had) and there was a scum layer on right side again. Chlorine continued to be high, which appears to be a sporadic issue here, along with nitrates. Salinity and chlorides were low, and air quality was a bit worse than usual on this day (2/7).
Turbidity here was 0 on the meter, so perhaps the SW ponds at Kemp Mill helped settle things downstream from Blueridge. Pollutants/parameters were on the lower side of a seasonal averages, except for surfactant levels, which have been markedly rising since November. Coliforms were almost zero.
Surfactant levels are elevated, but lower than December’s reading. All other parameters were on the low side for winter.
Conductivity levels were back down from last month’s spike, as were surfactants, though still elevated. Chlorine readings were zeroes, which almost never happens. Leaf litter quite heavy in stream.
Surfactants were over-range here (greater than 8 ppm). High surfactant readings are becoming a common theme here now. Total chlorine and nitrate reading were also noticeably higher than average.
Conductivity was back down to normal winter levels from December’s readings. Coliform levels were lower as well, though chlorides edged up a bit.
As is usually the case, coliform levels here were highest of all of our sites, though lower than recent averages. Surfactants were down, as was turbidity (lowest reading since last August). Purple Line construction along Dale put new rip rap along bank within two feet of the SW outfall site, but access is still possible.
Free and total chlorine were even higher (.41/.43 respectively) here than during last sampling. Perhaps the new Purple Line phase is introducing a large amount of chlorinated water into the Creek at Dale? Surfactants remain somewhat elevated here as well, but other readings were on low side of seasonal expectations.
Turbidity readings eased down again this month, as did surfactants, though remaining elevated. Lots of trash along the trib’s banks and evidence of homeless resident(s) living nearby. Heavy iron floc bacteria along the tributary bottom.
Chlorine readings were quite low this time, and turbidity eased down. pH also declined from the 8.9 range of the prior two readings. All other readings on low side of winter averages.
Central (Long Branch):
Chlorine levels way down here, unusual for this site. Surfactants still slightly elevated, other readings all on the low side, and coliforms coming at zero for both E.coli and Total coliform. Lots of algae on rocks.
13th Avenue:
Free chlorine reading was much lower here compared with December reading (.11 v.30 ppm). Conductivity was more than double the prior reading, and surfactants continue their slide downward since November’s readings. Playground and apartment construction work continue nearby.
Please let us know if you have any questions regarding the results, which we’ll share with DEP and Parks.
Pat Ratkowski
Happy Holidays Everybody!
Thanks to Dean, Frank, Christopher, and Briana for comprising this month’s WQ monitoring teams. Notable findings, from upstream to downstream –
Blueridge Avenue
Flow was moderate, channel bottom was much clearer. A lot of trash along channel. All parameters within seasonal ranges and trending lower here except copper and coliforms, which held steady. Birdsong was prevalent, air quality was excellent.
Wheaton Lane
We did not monitor at Wheaton Lane this month.
Dennis Avenue
All readings looking quite Sligo-good here except chlorine, which seems to be creeping upward over time. Lots of birdsong, leaf out at about 90%, no aquatic animals seen. Very few people in park nearby.
Flora Lane
Some flow has resumed here so that it no longer looks like a stagnant aquarium. Second lowest pH reading of the month (7.53) was here. Phosphate (new parameter for us) was about midway in its color match range (6ppm), so it will be interesting to see if this is a background level, low or high. Surfactants in midrange as well, some algae on bottom but water column clear. Scared an adult frog on arrival, saw gnats, mosquitoes. No fish.
Dallas Avenue
Flow was quite heavy and clear. Chloride reading was overrange, the second time here in 7 months, and both iron and ammonia were higher than normal. Chlorine, surfactants, and TDS were quite low. Leaf litter gone, heavy algae cover already across bottom. Not many birds, but fish were represented – 8″ chub, 2 sunfish, about a dozen minnows.
Bennington Drive
Lots of gray sediment here today – entire apron and receiving pool. Nitrite reading was non-zero (.5 ppm) which is only the second time in six months we’ve seen that at our sites. Copper and iron both toward the high side of our developing ranges. The big story here was coliform with a TNTC (too numerous to count) reading. No snails, but birds were busy.
Wayne Avenue
Chloride over-range here as well, and TDS/conductivity were monthly highs here. Too early to tell, but it appears iron and copper readings are rising as we get toward summer. This was the site of our highest phosphate reading this month; about 10 ppm. Birds plentiful, yellowjackets are back. About 80 fish in murky receiving pool. Good foot traffic.
Fleetwood Terrace
Flow was quite full and fast here – much more than usual. Steady stream of dead leaves river left, which is unusual. Chloride over-range here too, and phosphate about 9ppm. E. coliform substantially higher than usual for this site, and Total coliform reading was TNTC here as well. About 3″ long brown (sediment?) algae on channel bottom now. Surfactants remain moderately high, but conductivity/TDS/salinity readings were quite low. 15 minnows.
Brashears Run
Flow was moderate, orange floc covering channel, as well as brown and green algae. Phosphate 2 ppm. Chlorine was on the high side, but all other parameters were seasonally standard for this site. One 9″ fish, half dozen 3-4″.
Jackson Avenue
Flow quite strong and clear. Chloride over-range, and pH was high at 8.5. Phosphate at 10 ppm. Chloride reading was over-range, surfactant levels were middle of range, chlorine was on high side again (.29ppm/.31ppm, free chlorine/total chlorine). Total coliform came in TNTC. Birds and beetles along banks, a trio of 4/20 revelers.
Central Avenue (Long Branch)
Crystal clear, as always. Chlorine high, as always. Chloride over-range, pH down to 8.4, so still a bit high. Surfactants way down from 6.2 ppm to 1.4 ppm. Very little foot traffic.
13th Street
Flow was shallow but broad, bottom had light gray sediment and brown algae (about 2″). pH came in at 9.06, which is quite high for our ranges. Chloride over-range, chlorine in the middle, and copper on the high side (0.5 ppm). Birdsong quite active, 1 minnow. Lesser celandine completely carpeting the bank.
Please let me know if you have any questions regarding these results. As usual, I will share them with DEP and Parks.
-Pat Ratkowski, WQ Committee chair
FOSC Feb WQ Testing
Thanks to Dean, Frank, Christopher, and Briana for being February’s Chemical/Bacterial WQ field sampling team, and to Ed Murtaugh for joining us at the Blueridge Ave site. Numbers were mostly quite good this time, especially E.coli, which was at or near 0 at almost all sites. Conductivity and chloride numbers were generally much lower than January’s, there was a sizeable sediment discharge at Wayne Ave, and some notable changes from last month at Blueridge and Flora –
Blueridge Avenue
Flow was moderate, and for the first time we could clearly see the streambed, which had previously been almost entirely obscured by suspended sediment. Ed indicates that this is how it usually looks, though it’s a first for us since October. So, moving in the right direction. A surface sheen of oil (organic or manufactured) and a musky smell still rise up when sediment is disturbed, and there is a great deal of trash. Free and total chlorine were a bit high (.17ppm/.23ppm), but other measurements were all on the middle to low end of the spectrum. E.coli was quite low, though total coliform was elevated (5300 cfu).
Wheaton Lane
Wide, full flow here with slightly cloudy water and light gray sediment on bottom. Algae beginning to grow on streambed. Chlorine levels were a bit high (.13ppm free chlorine).
Dennis Avenue
Looking quite good here, though a little turbid and wtih sediment on channel bottom. Conductivity/salinity/TDS only about a third of last month’s reading. One water strider, one flying insect, air quality outstanding.
Flora Lane
A complete transformation here in one month, from one of our clearest laminar flow streams to what looks like a stagnant pond, with green sediment at the bottom of the water column and waterweeds along the edges. Stream level was higher than usual do to leaf dams downstream. Conductivity was a bit higher than other sites (as is usually the case), and free chlorine was the same as at Blueridge Ave. Saw one tiny tadpole or minnow scatter as we arrived.
Dallas Avenue
Flow strong and clear, but with more surface suds than usual. About an inch of algae is now on many streambed rocks, covered by light sediment. Readings were all on lower end for winter, and chlorine was quite low. Trib continues to look turbid with gray suspension in bottom of water column. A few small minnows and one large fish (approx. 9″)
Bennington Drive
Sal/TDS/conductivity were all somewhat elevated (essentially standard for Bennington), as were chlorides. Clear moderate flow, chlorine levels were a bit high (.14ppm/.18ppm, free/total). Three different types of algae at work on outfall and apron. Light layer gray sediment on apron and in receiving pool. Lots of walkers, joggers. Downy woodpecker, cardinals, 20 robins, chickadess, flying insect.
Wayne Avenue
During the course of our monitoring, the SW outfall began discharging increasing amounts of opaque, tan-colored water. Turbidity (and chlorine) readings were overrange, and conductivity (1379 uS) was relatively high. We talked with the crew of a fiber optic truck that was actively cycling water (we think) through the conduit trench (we think) they were working on near the Wayne Ave outfall. They assured us that their pipe was downstream from the Wayne Ave outfall and couldn’t be causing the discharge. We walked up Wayne Ave to the SSIMS parking lot and there were PL workers there, but we couldn’t determine if their acitivites might be the source. We reported via Water WatchDog and Anne Vorce is following up, and we hope to have video clips up shortly.
Fleetwood Terrace
Volume was strong with zero turbidity. About 1″ long green algae on channel bottom with sediment layer. Surfactants were higher than usual, as was conductivity and chlorine (.13ppm/.24ppm, free/total). Just a few birds were heard.
Brashears Run
Flow was moderate but clear this time, not the latte of last visit. Readings were winter normal, algae has begun to grow out on the stream bed, and there is a moderate layer of tan/brown sediment on everything.
Jackson Avenue
Flow moderate and clear. Conductivity was much lower, but chlorine was a bit elevated (.20ppm/.22ppm, free/total). No wildlife seen or heard, heavy foot traffic. Air quality outstanding.
Central Avenue (Long Branch)
Flow moderate and clear. All measurements winter-normal, except chlorine, which was rather high at .27ppm/.50ppm, free/total. Light sediment on streambed, no wildlife seen.
13th Street
Flow was shallow but broad, bottom now sporting 2″ algae with gray sediment layer. Readings all in the winter normal range, no aquatic wildlife, a flock of crows stopped by.
Thanks to Dean, Frank, and Christopher, this month’s Chem/Bac water quality squad. We added two more sites – both in Takoma Park – as we extend our monthly monitoring system almost to the PG County line. With the larger number of sites, we now typically monitor on three different days during the month. Notable findings, from upstream to downstream –
Blueridge Avenue
Flow was moderate, channel bottom was obscured by black sediment or suspension, though water itself was quite clear. Diesel generator was gone, but surface sheen was still present in places. A lot of trash along channel. Nitrates continue to be highest here of all sites. Other readings were Creek-consistent. Heard foxes as we arrived, dead worms along banks. Air quality outstanding.
Wheaton Lane
Wide, full flow here with tannin color trace in water and light gray sediment on bottom. Water slightly turbid here, as usual. Chlorine levels were about double usual, though nowhere near the extremely elevated levels we saw last spring and fall. Chloride levels were overrange, and conductivity was almost 4x last month’s reading. Three water striders seen.
Dennis Avenue
Looking quite good here, though a little turbid, with most pollutants quite low except for conductivity/TDS/salinity, which were the highest numbers we’ve measured here (1441 uS for conductivity). Nitrates were also on the higher side of our simplified, developing range.
Flora Lane
Monitoring stretch of stream completely iced over – a first. Water was c-o-l-d (3.5C). Salinity/TDS/conductivity highest we’ve seen here (1239 uS conductivity). Surfactants were also the highest we’ve ever seen here (7.4ppm LAS), and chlorine measures were right up near site highs.
Dallas Avenue
Flow steady and clear. Chlorine back down to standard background levels from prior months’ spike. Light leaf litter still on bottom, trib was very turbid with a gray/green suspenion low in water column. Ephemeral fly, black vulture, and robins seen. Heavy pedestrian/bike trail use.
Bennington Drive
Sal/TDS/con were all somewhat elevated (essentially standard for Bennington), and nitrate reading was higher than most sites. Clear flow, chlorine levels and bacteria levels were low, three different types of algae at work on outfall and apron. Light layer gray sediment on apron and in receiving pool. No snails now, crows heard.
Wayne Avenue
Receiving pool is almost entirely filled with sand and silt, only about a foot deep (v. 4 feet in summer). No fish, standard for winter here. Lots of tan algae on outfall. Chloride levels toward upper end range. Conductivity and surfactants also high, though not in record territory. Good foot traffic, and lots of squirrels running along the banks.
Fleetwood Terrace
Volume was strong and while looking slightly turbid, did not read that way (bottom of water column apparently). About 1″ long green algae on channel bottom. Surfactants were higher than usual, as was conductivity/TDS/salinity reading, which is expected in winter. Slough was frozen and well-filled. .
Brashears Run
Flow was moderate, extremely turbid, in latte territory. E.Coli was surprisingly high, as was free chlorine. Occasional detergent smell pulsing through area.
Jackson Avenue
This now-permanent site is the Sligo sampling location (designated SCSC314) where Parks conducts vertebrate and macro surveys. Flow quite strong and clear, temp at 5C. Conductivity was highest reading we’ve ever seen (2370 uS). Detergent and chloride levels were elevated, chlorine and coliform were Sligo-middle. No wildlife seen or heard, heavy foot traffic.
Central Avenue (Long Branch)
This site is in the Becca Lilly Neighborhood Park, about 30m upstream of Long Branch’s confluence with Sligo Creek. Flow rapid and clear, beautiful site with great snag and relictual leaf dam. Detergents on high side (6.2ppm LAS), and Sal/TDS/Con at winter-normal levels (1194 uS conductivity). Saw five minnows while sampling. Very little foot traffic.
13th Street
This new site is in the Hillwood Manor Neighborhood Park. Flow was shallow but broad, bottom looking sediment-free. First readings were fairly average, except conductivity (2300 uS – 2nd highest reading on record) and detergents at 6.1ppm LAS. Some green algae on most cobbles, no wildlife seen or heard.
Please let me know if you have any questions regarding these results. As usual, I will share them with DEP and Parks.
Blueridge Avenue
Scum and possible oil sheen on surface, portable generator still running nearby. Smells a bit like fish oil and acetone. Lots of sediment and plastic trash along banks. Surfactants were high again, as were turbidity and chloride. Salinity and conductivity measurement, however, was quite low. E.coli and total coliform levels were, again, extremely high here, somewhat similar to Wayne Avenue and Bennington Drive. Other than dead worms on channel bottom, no aquatic or terrestrial wildlife heard or seen.
Wheaton Lane
Water was almost tea-colored with very good flow. Slight hydrogen sulfide smell when channel’s leaf litter was disturbed. Turbidity was fairly high, as well as total chlorine. All other measurements were seasonally appropriate and in the mid- to low-range. No animals seen, birds heard in distance, and lots of walkers/joggers present.
Dennis Avenue
Heavy leaf litter, light suds flow. pH about .5 higher than Wheaton Lane site upstream. Chloride measurement overrange, which was a first. Surfactants on higher end of moderate at 4.8 ppm LAS. Other measurements fairly average. Woodpecker heard, blue bird pair seen, lots of walkers/joggers. Noise level about 8 dBA higher here than Wheaton, though still moderate at 52 dBA. Coliform measurements quite low.
Flora Lane
Several trees have been cut down since our last visit, and the understory is clearly more open. Leaf litter on channel bottom quite heavy here. Flow strong and clear (turbidity = 0). Nitrate was higher than other sites here (4 on test strip scale), chlorine and surfactants were a bit on the high side too. Other than dead worms on channel bottom, no aquatic or terrestrial wildlife heard or seen. E.coli was a 0 and Total Coli was 500 – extremely low. Chloride and Salinity/TDS/Conductivity were all on the low side.
Dallas Avenue
Flow wide, moderate and clear (turbidity = 0). Chlorine was elevated again (.30 ppm total Cl), chloride was at the middle of testing range, nitrate was higher than usual, and surfactants were high as well. Moderate leaf litter on channel bottom. Few people seen, no aquatic animals seen, no birds seen or heard. E.coli =0, T.coli = 300.
Bennington Drive
Low flow, quite salty (sal/TDS/con), extremely clear. Surfactants were on the higher end (6 ppm LAS) of our usual range. Receiving pool looked clear, light sediment on apron, three colors of algae on outfall and apron. About 10 snails seen clustered around right (measured) outfall, which appears unusual for this time of year. Crows heard in distance. Coliform readings higher than most other sites, particularly total coli.
Wayne Avenue
Medium-range chlorine levels, somewhat salty flow, though about only about 25% under Bennington Drive’s levels. Chloride level was high again. Pool was quite shallow (with leaf litter), perhaps a foot and a half deep. Surfactants lower than other sites, but iron was relatively high here. Heavy light brown algae coating outfall, light silt layer on bottom. No fish seen, no bird calls heard. E.coli was low, but T.coli was too numerous to count (TNTC).
Fleetwood Terrace
Turbidity was 0. Surfactants and chloride were middling, but total and free CL were unusually high (.34/.28 ppm). Coliform was high here as well, especially for a winter reading. Three mallards in Creek, several walkers/bikers along path.
Brashears Run
Sal/TDS/Con values were moderate, turbidity was also a bit higher than other sites. Surfactants were above average (5.3 ppm) but chlorine readings were low. Chloride was in upper half or our measuring range. Iron level reading was highest of the sites this month. Few people seen, no birds or aquatic animals.
Central Avenue
Along with Blueridge Avenue, this is another of our newer sites, about 30m upstream of Long Branch’s confluence with Sligo Creek. Flow rapid and full. Sal/TDS/Con was average, chloride also at 18.3 ppm. Surfactants around 5.6 ppm, and chlorine quite high – Total .45 ppm/Free .31 ppm. This may be part of the reason coliform levels were quite low (0/600, E./Total). Several walkers seen, heard birds in distance.
Generally, readings were quite good, except for surfactants at the mid- and downstream sites, which remain consistently high. E.coli was mostly down slightly, while T.coli increased substantially from last month. Our newest site, Central Ave on Long Branch, had the lowest coliform readings of all sites. We began measuring chloride levels, as well as copper, zinc and nitrates/nitrites via test strips (we’ll add iron next month). Air quality was good, but not as clean as usual. From upstream to downstream –
Wheaton Lane
Flow was surprisingly full and (relatively) rapid. Little algae, slightly turbid water, Sal/TDS/Conductivity all quite low, as were surfactants. Chloride came in at 9.5 ppm, copper at .5 ppm, zinc at 0 and nitrate at 2 ppm. These numbers held fairly steady at all other sites, except for chloride, which measured overrange (>30 ppm) everywhere except Wheaton Lane. Water striders, a tadpole, about two dozen minnows seen, heard downey woodpeckers, nuthatch, catbird and crickets.
Dennis Avenue
Flow strong and clear. Almost no chlorine, surfactants unusually low as well. About two dozen minnows – very few people using trail or playground. Chloride overrange here, as it would be for the rest of the downstream sites.
Flora Lane
Flow moderate and very clear. All chem readings roughly seasonal standard, except surfactants and Sal/TDS/Con on the high side. Saw two small frogs as we arrived at site, some mosquitoes, about two dozen minnows, and a snake skin on the bottom of the channel. Spider webs across the stream gone. Few birds heard, but lots of crickets and cicadas. Noise level higher than usual (60 dBA).
Dallas Avenue
Flow wide and deep, very clear (turbidity = 1). Steady light stream of suds on main channel’s left, as always, chlorine in mid to high range. Very little algae on the rocks. Blue dragonflies, about 50 minnows. Saw grackle, northern flicker.
Fleetwood Terrace
Volume was robust and very clear. Bottom looking quite clear, gravel/pebble peninsula building out into Creek upstream. Surfactants were high, as was noise level (61 dBA). About 50 fry seen, heard crows and cicadas. Slough water levels were moderate, filled with silt peninsulas and plant growth now. NNIs fully cover the bank to about 2 feet in height.
Brashears Run
Flow was moderate, lots of trash present, and very few invasives along the bank. Sal/TDS/Con values were moderate, but surfactant and chlorine readings were fairly high. Flow was slightly turbid as well. About 8-10 fish hiding beneath bank rocks, including one in the 6” range. Cardinals and cicadas hear, robins bathing upstream.
Central Avenue
This site is about 30m upstream of Long Branch’s confluence with Sligo Creek. First impressions here – volume is moderate and steady, filling about 1/3 of channel. Bottom extremely clean, covered in cobble, gravel and pebbles without any obvious silt. Sal/TDS/Con was highest of all sites this time around (keeping in mind we didn’t visit Bennington or Wayne), and chlorine and surfactants were both well on the higher end of our usual ranges. The noisiest site this time around (63 dBA). Lots of cicadas. Saw 3 walkers on path.
Coliform Results
Location E.coliform (cfu/100mL) Total coliform (cfu/100mL)
Wheaton 300 6,300
Dennis 300 4,400
Dallas 400 3,300
Flora 1,200 5,200
Fleetwood 200 2,700
Brashears 1,300 5,400
Central 0 1,000
Please let me know if you have any questions regarding these results.
We added two new sites this month – one in Wheaton and one in Takoma Park – and were able to sample at all sites except Wheaton Lane near University Avenue.
We also began using a basic test strip for iron content to see if it is present at levels that could warrant a more thorough monitoring method later on. Generally, readings along the Creek were good over the course of the week’s monitoring, with E.coli surprisingly low for such warm weather, except at Bennington Drive and Blueridge Ave. Surfactants generally eased down slightly, except at Blueridge Ave. This was our second month including colorimeter chloride levels, as well as copper, zinc and nitrate/nitrite test strips. Over the next few months we’ll establish baseline levels for these parameters and see how they change. Thus far, the copper, zinc, and iron levels are coming at 0-1 ppm, with zinc at 1 ppm. Nitrate is most often between 2-4 ppm, and nitrite is consistently 0 ppm. Chloride levels were overrange last month (>35ppm.) at all sites save one, but this month they were mostly in the 10-25 ppm range. Lots of foot and bike traffic along the Creek this past week. Air quality was fairly poor on our second sampling day, and noise levels tended to be a bit higher than usual. From upstream to downstream –
Blueridge Avenue
This new site is where (at least part of) Sligo first daylights (two storm water outfalls merge to form the stream). It is near Arcola E.S., upstream from Kemp Mill shopping center. It appears to be an unfortunate site; lots of trash, light oil sheen on surface, smell of diesel from a nearby portable generator, and plenty of mosquitoes. Flow was moderate, water fairly turbid. Surfactants were quite high (8 ppm LAS), chlorine, chloride, and nitrate also on the high side compared with other stream readings, and E.coli levels were the highest of all our sites this month. Other readings were Creek-consistent. No aquatic or terrestrial wildlife heard or seen.
Dennis Avenue
Flow somewhat turbid here, flow steady and full. Parameters were all on the lower side of our usual ranges. Stream bottom clear, very little algae. No aquatic wildlife, crows heard.
Flora Lane
Flow strong and clear. Salinity/TDS/conductivity a bit higher than at other sites this month, but other parameters were all in middle to low part of range. One adult frog took cover as we arrived, about 50 fry and minnows present, no birds heard.
Dallas Avenue
Flow wide, moderate and clear (turbidity = 1). The pH level here was fairly high at 8.69. Chlorine quite elevated this time, and iron levels higher here than at other sites. Light, steady suds along left bank. Clean sandy bottom, about 35 minnows and fry present. Lots of crickets and the occasional annual cicada. Heavy pedestrian/bike trail use.
Bennington Drive
Low flow, quite salty (sal/TDS/con) for this time of year, and the nitrate reading (5 ppm) was the highest we’ve registered so far. Slightly turbid, chlorine levels were low, but surfactants were on the higher end of our usual range. E.Coli readings (1700 cfu) were surprisingly high. Dust sitting on top of receiving pool, no algae on out fall apron. About 50 snails seen clustered around right (measured) outfall, with mockingbirds and jays hear nearby.
Wayne Avenue
Light, intermittent detergent smell, medium-range chlorine levels, and somewhat salty flow, though about only about 60% of Bennington Drive’s levels. About 100 fry clustered around outfall. Pool was quite deep, clear, bottom was sand and pebbles. Heavy light brown algae coating outfall, with relatively high flow rate. Chloride levels were toward the upper end of the range when compared with other sites this month.
Fleetwood Terrace
Volume was moderate, slow, clear (turbidity = 0). About 1″ long brown and green algae on channel bottom. Sand/pebble peninsula fills about 2/3 of channel just upstream of site. Surfactants were middling, chlorine, chlorides, and iron on the high side of average. Heard crows, woodpeckers, and crickets. Slough water levels were moderate, filled with silt peninsulas and plant growth now. NNIs fully cover the bank to about 2 feet in height.
Brashears Run
Flow was low, lots of trash present, and very few NNIs along the bank. Sal/TDS/Con values were moderately high for summer, turbidity was also on the higher end of our ranges, but surfactant and chlorine readings were low – a switch from last month. Occasional sewage/musty smell. Bottom covered with light brown algae, pool upstream opaque. About 8-10 fish hiding beneath bank rocks.
Jackson Avenue
This new site is a sampling location (designated SCSC314) where Parks conducts vertebrate and macro surveys each year. It is a classic riffle segment of the Creek, likely with highly oxygenated, strong flow, and a wide variety of habitats. The vertebrate diversity level of the samples has been encouraging and improving over the past 5 or 6 years, so we wanted to see if there is something unusual about this site that makes it particularly fish rich. Nothing jumps out from this first set of readings, which were in line with similar main channel sites, though nitrate, chloride, and surfactants were slightly higher than average. Heard jays and cardinals, no aquatic life seen.
Central Avenue
This was our second month at this site, which is about 30m upstream of Long Branch’s confluence with Sligo Creek. We arrived to find a work crew that had an errant sediment boom (which we reported through WWD), and a dead tree that had recently become a snag in the middle of our sampling site. Flow rapid and slightly turbid, bottom extremely clean, covered in cobble, gravel, and pebbles without any obvious silt. Sal/TDS/Con was a bit high, but not Bennington Drive-high, chlorine very low, surfactants about average, and nitrate on the higher end of our developing baseline.
Thanks to Dean, Frank, and Christopher for making up the monitoring team over the past few weeks of July, and welcome back from US Govt detail to Briana. And special thanks to Dean for becoming the new Coliform Incubator Wrangler.
Things were a bit better this time around, generally; no off-the-charts action as we saw in June, except for a huge spike in total coliform at Bennington Drive. Surfactants remained high most everywhere, coliform levels were (mostly) substantially down, chlorine was way up at Wheaton Lane again, we reactivated sampling at Brashears Run, noise levels were in line everywhere, and we clearly saw the impact of the Western wildfires on air quality (PM2.5 and PM10 values 10x to 15x above usual readings). From upstream to downstream —
Wheaton Lane
Flow moderate and steady. Chlorine levels were 3 to 6 times higher than their averages, second month in a row. Other values as expected. Lots of insect life, water striders, fewer mosquitoes than expected, about 20 minnows.
Dennis Avenue
Flow low, channel only about 1/2 full. All parameters down from last month’s elevated levels. About two dozen minnows plus a half dozen adult fish (sunfish, fall fish?) slightly upstream near SW outfall pipe.
Flora Lane
Flow lowish, very clear. All chem readings roughly seasonal standard except surfactants and coliform levels, both substantially higher than usual here. Saw two small frogs as we arrived at site, and about 50 minnows near the sampling site. Spider webs all across the stream (why couldn’t it be butterflies?).
Dallas Avenue
Flow wide and deep, very clear (turbidity = 0). Trib had better flow this time. Steady light stream of suds on main channel’s left, as always. Very little algae on the rocks, but all sorts of vertebrate and invertebrate life — blue dragonflies, a tadpole, about 100 minnows, 2 suckers, and probably an adult fall fish. All readings around seasonal averages, coliform back down around site average. Lots of foot traffic.
Bennington Drive
Flow low here this time. Chlorine and surfactants were lower than last time, but still on the high side. The big story was total coliform, which was too numerous to count (TNTC) again. Algae almost gone from rocks. About 60 snails, and a few mosquitoes. Apron and receiving pool looked clear with clean substrate.
Wayne Avenue
Flow just a trickle, but Creek full, with receiving pool deep and clear. About 3 dozen small fish along edge of the flow. Lots of bikers and walkers, heard robins, catbirds. Coliform much lower than usual, no sediment.
Fleetwood Terrace
Volume was moderate, water just slightly turbid. All parameters were near seasonal averages. About 50 fry seen, heard catbirds, sparrows, jays, and a wren. The slough water levels were low, choked with sediment and plant growth now. Invasives along the creek bank are prospering – very full and growing tall.
Brashears Run
Safety concerns forced us to discontinue our old monitoring of the two 6′ storm drains in 2019, but we’ve settled on a new, safer site downstream that will give us a single set of values for what Brashears Run is contributing to Sligo Creek. For the inaugural sampling, flow was quite low but steady, lots of trash present, and very few invasives along the bank. Values were similar to Bennington Drive or Flora Lane – a bit heavy on the ions, moderate on the chlorine. Coliform levels were high, second only to Flora Lane and Bennington this month. We’ll learn more about the state of this trib d/b/a SW conduit as we continue monthly sampling here.
Coliform Results
Location E.coliform (cfu/100mL) Total coliform (cfu/100mL)
Wheaton 200 2,000
Dennis 400 1,500
Dallas 500 1,300
Flora 1,800 2,400
Bennington 0 TNTC
Wayne 100 5,500
Fleetwood 300 2,500
Brashears 900 5,400
Please let me know if you have any questions regarding these results.
Here are the summaries of our chemical/bacterial monitoring results from in June. A mixed bag this time, with Wayne Avenue, Bennington Drive and, surprisingly, Wheaton Lane all having more dire pollution issues than usual. Surfactants were quite high at most sites. Air quality still fine, but not as good as usual. From upstream to downstream —
Wheaton Lane
Flow moderate and steady – higher than expected given lack of recent rainfall. 1″ of brown algae and silt on bottom. Chlorine levels were 3 to 6 times higher than their averages, and ammonia-N was about triple its mean value. E.coliform bacteria level was roughly 5 times higher than its usual summer levels here – something definitely impacting stream quality. Other values as expected except turbidity, which was visually noticeable as well. Lots of insect life, water striders, fewer mosquitoes than expected, 1 minnow. Many walkers and bikers.
Dennis Avenue
Flow low, channel only about 2/3s full. Surfactants up almost 5 ppm, but the high chlorine at Wheaton Lane either reacted, dissipated or was diluted along the way. Same situation for E.coliform bacteria levels. About 40 fry and minnows, heard catbirds, sparrows and a wren. Two dozen or more kids and parents using playground, heavy foot traffic on path.
Flora Lane
Flow moderate, very clear. All chem readings roughly seasonal standard except surfactants, which were quite high at 6.7 ppm. Total coliform levels were unusually high. Saw one adult leopard frog when we arrived at site. Dead worms and a dead crayfish on the bottom. Saw 3 minnows – the usual school is missing. Midges and some mosquitoes. Foot traffic was fairly light over nearby bridge. Even quieter this time around at 48 dBA.
Dallas Avenue
Flow wide and deep, very clear (turbidity = 0). Trib was extremely sluggish. Steady light stream of suds on main channel’s left, as always. Very little algae on the rocks. All readings about seasonal averages except surfactants, which were fairly high, especially for summer mean here. About 80 fry and minnows in the sampling area, 1 water strider. Saw about a dozen blue dragon- or damsel- flies, heard crows, catbirds, and sparrows. Lots of walkers. E.coli level was low, but Total coliform level was highest we’ve ever seen.
Bennington Drive
Flow moderate here. Salinity/TDS/Conductivity readings about average for this site, which is high. Surfactants were double their average here at 7.1 ppm. The big story was coliform, which was too numerous to count (TNTC), a dishonor typically reserved for Wayne Avenue. Smelled strange here – fish/dairy? Algae almost gone from rocks. Orange and maroon algae on lip of outfall. Snails have returned – joyous tidings. Heard robin, catbird, cardinal.
Wayne Avenue
Flow moderate, pool deep and cloudy. While Wayne didn’t hit TNTC for coliform this time around, its readings for both ammonia-N and surfactants were overrange – so high the meter couldn’t accurately measure the concentrations. Light detergent smell pulsed from the outfall. Slight orange algae on outfall pipe, about 4 dozen fish feeding in the slightly turbid outflow. Chlorine concentrations were quite low. Lots of bikers and walkers.
Fleetwood Terrace
Volume was moderate, water slightly turbid and slower. About 1″ algae on rocks. All parameters were near seasonal averages except surfactants, which were about double their summer mean. About 70 minnows seen, 1 mallard duck on a gravel island mid-stream, and a lot of flies. The slough water levels were moderate and flow through to Creek was strong. Air quality was poorest here of all the sites, though still in the good range.
Dennis Avenue
Flora Lane
Bennington Drive
Thanks to Dean Tousley, and Frank and Christopher Hartman for making up the team this month. Mostly good news on the readings this time around. From upsteam to downstream —
Wheaton Lane
Flow steady and but lower water levels. Algae and silt on bottom were heavier than last month. pH on the high side (8.45) as usual. Chlorine was quite high (.36/.94 ppm, free/total), but other pollutant readings all on the lower end. Coliform bacteria levels were higher than normal (1800 cfu, Total coli). Saw mallards, a few water striders and about 10 minnows. Path well-used by bikers, joggers, and walkers. Noise average at about 54 dBA. Air quality was excellent here, as it was across the sites this month.
Dennis Avenue
Flow high, plunge pool deep, and flow trickling around weir edges. All parameters and pollutants seasonally standard, except surfactants were a bit high (4.3 ppm). Coliform bacteria levels were extraordinarily low – good sign. Two mallards, two crows and one woodpecker heard. Path, playground, and stream bank heavily used by residents.
Flora Lane
Flow moderate plus, clear. Still recovering from last month’s fish/amphibian kill, we did see four BNDs, one water snake, and one leopard or bull frog (submerged). Appeared to be adult midges and maybe a stonefly or similar flying above the surface. Water temperature unusually warm (18 C), surfactants edging higher at 5.1 ppm, and total coliform levels were fairly high for this site (4300 cfu). Noise about average at 56 dBA.
Dallas Avenue
Flow wide and deep, clear. Sand and cobble channel bottom. Salinity/TDS/conductivity, surfactants, and chlorine all back to norms after last month’s high readings. Coliform was extremely low, while pH was a bit higher than usual (8.3). Heard pileated woodpecker and crows. Lots of walkers, joggers, and a biker coming by.
Bennington Drive
Strong flow again here. Salinity/TDS/Conductivity readings edging back higher, other pollutants on low to medium end of site spectrum. Except total coliform; on the high side, though E. coli quite low. No snails still. Algae 1/8″, slippery film on rocks nearest outfalls, gray silt down apron, with full, clear receiving pool. Orange algae on lip of outfall.
Wayne Avenue
Flow was moderately high, main channel was quite deep again. Steady stream of small parade of suds. Orange algae on outfall pipe, fish are back (15 minnows). Turbidity in pool/creek high enough so we couldn’t ID fish type, though likely BND. Surfactants were low, salinity/TDS/conductivity lower than less month’s all-time high, but still elevated. The big news was coliform levels were the lowest we’ve ever recorded here. Chlorine concentrations were quite low, noise higher than usual at 59 dbA. Lots of bikers and walkers.
Fleetwood Terrace
Volume was moderate, water clear and fast. About 1/2″ algae on rocks. All parameters and pollutants lower than usual here except chlorine, with second highest total chlorine readings we’ve recorded (.40 ppm) and ammonia-N near the high end for this site (.25 mg/L). No fish seen, but plenty of birds heard – cardinals, jays, nuthatch, chickadee, crow. One cabbage white butterfly. The slough water levels were moderate and flow through to Creek was strong.
Coliform results are reported under the Coliform Data page
Please let me know if you have any questions regarding these results.
Pat Ratkowski
February 2021 Water Quality Monitoring
We finally got our testing equipment back from the repair shop, and some members of the team (Dean Tousley, and newcomers Frank and Christopher Hartman – welcome!) were able to head out last week between precipitation events.
Wheaton Lane
Flow much more rapid than usual, filling whole channel. Algae and silt on bottom were dark and sparse, one water strider seen. pH was a bit high, but this site often is. Conductivity/TDS/salinity were much higher than usual, exceeding our previous high mark here. Chlorine, surfactants, and, particularly, total coliform were as well. Path well-used by walkers and bikers. Air quality was excellent here (as it was across all testing sites this time around), noise about average at 46dBA.
Dennis Avenue
Flow high, plunge pool deep, and flow trickling around weir edges. Salinity was seasonally elevated, but surfactants and coliform were notably higher than usual here. No animals seen or heard. Joggers and walkers on path, one grandparent and child walking through the Creek. Noise average at about 55 dBA.
Flora Lane
Flow a moderate plus, clear. Difficult visit this time: dozens of dead animals on the bottom of this trib – tessellated darters, two-lined salamanders, blacknose daces, creek chub. DEP investigated the next day and has ascribed the die-off primarily to road salt being brought into this creek via a storm water pipe from the Beltway, as well as the local neighborhood. We did see about 15 BNDs alive along the edge of the stream. Salinity/TDS/conductivity were near the higher end of this site’s range, but not at prior maximums. Surfactants and chlorine were quite high, while coliform levels were very low. Channel bottom is usual mica/sand mix with clay at the edges. Noise about average at 55 dBA.
Dallas Avenue
Flow wide and deep, slightly turbid. Sand and cobble channel bottom. Salinity/TDS/conductivity, surfactants, and chlorine all higher than usual here, with S/T/C at highest reading we’ve seen. Coliform and pH were lower than normal. No animals spotted in or near testing site. Lots of walkers, joggers, and a biker coming by.
Bennington Drive
Strongest flow we’ve ever seen here. pH a bit higher than usual, but salinity/TDS/Conductivity readings much lower than usual at this site. Surfactants were modestly high, as was chlorine. Coliform on the high end for a winter reading. No snails around outfall, normal for this season. Thin gray silt layer on apron, with full, clear receiving pool.
Wayne Avenue
Flow was moderately high, main channel was deep this time. Occasional turbidity pulses accompanied by small parade of suds. Orange algae on outfall pipe, no fish seen. Surfactants were quite low, but salinity/TDS/conductivity were the highest we’ve ever measured here. Chlorine was elevated here as well. Lots of bikers and walkers.
Fleetwood Terrace
Volume was moderate, water clear and cold. About 1″ algae on rocks. Surfactants were slightly elevated compared to the mean here, while salinity, TDS and conductivity levels were quite low, especially for a winter reading. Chlorine was high and ammonia-N was about average. No fish seen, no birds heard. The slough water levels were quite full.
Flow extremely slow; almost like a pond now, with green surface algae covering about half the channel. Leaf litter and silt on substrate, and an organic-looking film layer near left bank. Chemical/physical measures were seasonally appropriate, except for chlorine, which was much higher than usual at 0.95ppm for total chlorine. Three or four fish seen, though probably many more hiding beneath surface and substrate leaves. Woodpecker and squirrels heard. Path well-used by walkers and bikers. Air quality was excellent, noise about average at 47dB.
Dennis Avenue
Flow fairly high. Plunge pool deep and covered with sycamore leaf litter. Most chem/phys measures seasonally standard, except chlorine was quite high. Surfactants were lower than usual at 1.7 ppm. Saw about a dozen fish, heard squirrel and a jay. About 10 people using the park, some joggers and walkers on path. Air quality excellent, noise about 10 dB lower than last reading, when construction crew was busy nearby.
Flora Lane
Flow a moderate plus, clear and about 2C warmer than the main channel. Flow somewhat salty (salinity/TDS/conductivity). Chlorine was high here as well (0.82ppm total chlorine), surfactants remain around 3.3 ppm. About 30 fish – slightly less than late September. No algae on the outfall pipe, which is unusual here. Channel bottom is usual mica, sand mix with light leaf litter. Heard crickets and a chipmunk. Air quality excellent, noise at 52.8 dB.
Dallas Avenue
Flow moderate, clear. Moderate leaf litter, with sand and cobble channel bottom. Pool now about 18″ deep. All chem/phys readings per seasonal standard, surfactants better than last reading – down to 3.4 ppm. Crickets and blue jays heard. Air quality readings excellent, noise about 3 dB quieter than last time out.
Bennington Drive
Flow moderate plus and clear. Temperature about 2C warmer than main channel. Salinity/ TDS/ Conductivity readings the highest of all our sites this time (TDS at 854 ppm, conductivity at 1221 microsiemens), and surfactants were high as well at 5.1 ppm (slightly better than last session). Chlorine also read very hot at 0.99ppm for total chlorine. About 30 snails around outfall (a big rebound from prior reading). Small willow oak (?) leaf dams on the apron, light brown silt beyond, ending in a clear, full receiving pool. Air quality was excellent, but area was a bit noisier than usual at 57.3 dB.
Wayne Avenue
Flow was moderate, main channel still quite shallow, filled with sand and light leaf litter. Distinct sewage and fainter chlorine smell from outfall (confirmed by subsequent coliform results). Thick orange and some brown algae on outfall pipe. Chem/phys indicators here about the same as Flora Lane, but surfactants higher at 4.2 ppm. Chlorine was hot at 1.04ppm for TC. About 20 fish, school starting to thin out as winter approaches. Yellow jackets still active at tree base nest, saw blue jays. Lots of bikers and walkers. AQ was excellent, noise about standard here at 55.3 dB.
Fleetwood Terrace
Volume was low to moderate, water clear and cold. Very little rock algae. pH a bit high at 8.38. Surfactants were high again at 5.9 ppm. Salinity, TDS and conductivity levels were moderate, chlorine was high (0.96ppm total chlorine), and ammonia-N bumped up a bit to 0.15 mg/L. No fish seen, other than 5 or 6 upstream in the large pool above the riffles. Two minor log dams at the head of the riffles which will go with the next big storm. The slough water levels were quite low, but stream was still running. AQ was very good, not great (17.2ppm PM2.5, 27.4ppm PM10), noise at 51.9 dB.
This is a brief summary of results of chemical and bacterial monitoring at various locations along Sligo Creek.
Wheaton Lane
Flow extremely slow; almost like a pond, covering half the channel and shallow. Light algae/sediment layer on substrate. An organic-looking layer of film and bubbles on left bank. Nothing chemically or physically out of the ordinary here except surfactant were a bit high at 2.7 ppm. About two dozen blacknose dace, 4 or 5 adult water striders, 1 crayfish about 2.5″ long hiding beneath a sycamore leaf. Lots of crickets, and path heavily used by joggers, walker and bikers. Air quality was excellent, noise a bit high at 51.1 dB.
Dennis Avenue
Flow low, extremely clear. Plunge pool deeper now. Bottom only cobble or sand, water quite clear. No leaf litter yet. Most measures pretty standard, except chlorine, which was .28ppm total/.26ppm free. About a dozen small blacknose, dozens of baby waterstriders. Construction nearby added to noise level (59 dB). Air quality excellent, no people using the park, some joggers and walkers on path.
Dallas Avenue
Flow moderate, clear. Some 1/2″ algae and silt on channel bottom. Center channel and upstream plunge pool deeper than previously. All chem/physical readings per seasonal standard except surfactants, quite high at 5.4 ppm. Water about 0.4 pH more basic here than Wheaton and Dennis. Crickets common, cardinal, pileated heard, tree canopy still green. Air quality readings slightly higher than upstream, but still excellent. Noise at 52.7 dB.
Flora Lane
Flow back up to moderate plus, clear water. As usual here, flow is a bit saltier than would be expected of treed tributary, but Georgia Avenue and neighborhood feed this stream. Chlorine low, surfactants moderate at 3.1 ppm. Tremendous school of fish – most we’ve seen here – along whole monitoring reach; perhaps 50 in total. One at least 5 or 6 inches long. Channel bottom is mica, sand, light leaf litter in center, with clay at edges. Air quality outstanding, noise at 53.5 dB.
Bennington Drive
Flow moderate and clear – no suds or odors this time. pH low at 7.42, temperature about 3C warmer than main channel at 19C. Salinity/TDS/Conductivity higher than most, which is the norm here. Surfactants quite high at 5.8 ppm. Ammonia-N extremely low. About 10 snails around outfall (less than prior month), robins and crows heard. Air quality outstanding, noise at 53 dB.
Wayne Avenue
Flow moderate plus, main channel quite shallow now – old 4ft deep plunge pool is perhaps 1 foot deep. Slight detergent smell from outfall. Physical indicators here about the same as Bennington, with surfactants also high at 4.4 ppm. About 60 fish, 80% BnD, 20% white suckers. Mostly fry, few adults. Lots of sand in channel, no algae visible on rocks. SW valve flipped on outfall, likely due to recent storms. AQ outstanding, noise at 55.1 dB.
Fleetwood Terrace
Volume was low, water clear. New cobble, no rock algae – rare for this site (scoured clean by recent storms?). No fish seen – also unusual at this site at this time. The slough water levels were low but steady. Surfactants were quite high at 6.8 ppm. Salinity, TDS and conductivity levels were moderate, chlorine was in line with seasonal readings here, and ammonia-N was fairly low at .09 mg/L. AQ outstanding, noise at 49.8 dB.
Bennington Drive
Volume was moderate and clear. A tan algae and silt combination on the apron, with receiving pool clear. The snails are back in a big way, along with swarms of mosquitoes. Most chemistry indicators were normal summer levels, except surfactants, which were very high at 5.8ppm. Salinity/TDS/conductivity levels were all middling this time – not winter levels, but about double what we typically see in the main channel readings.
Wayne Avenue
Outfall volume was moderate, but completely turbid – looked like chocolate milk. Posted pictures via Water WatchDog. Light layer of brown algae on apron. Could not see if fish school was present due to turbidity. Ammonia-N quite high at 0.57 ppm, and total chlorine came in at 1.41 ppm – getting close to residential swimming pool recommended levels. Salinity, TDS, and conductivity levels were about 50% higher than the usual summer levels here. Crows heard nearby.
Fleetwood Terrace
Volume was moderate, water clear. Rock algae about 1″ to 2″ long. The seep/slough water level was low, but flow was steady. Surfactant levels were over range, meaning they were more than 8 ppm, a dramatic contrast to the 0 ppm reading in June. Salinity, TDS and conductivity levels were low to moderate. About 25 small fish seen at site. Heard blue jays, catbird, robins and a wren.
While air quality was good at Wayne and Bennington, and a bit better at Fleetwood Terrace, the PM levels were two to four times higher than our best results. Noise levels were a bit higher than usual at each site.
Wheaton Lane
Low flow, sand/silt substrate with some black algae. At least two dozen walkers/joggers, and two people at the nearby playground. Ammonia-N (0.22 mg/L) was high this time, part of the pattern at this site (generally, it’s either 0 or it’s approx. 0.22). Water temperature a bit sultry at 25C. Most pollutants at the low to middle range this time out. Dragonflies, about a dozen blacknose daces, lots of birds nearby. Noise levels low and air quality quite good.
Dennis Avenue
Volume low, substrate clean – sand and light silt. Five people at the playground, about a dozen walkers and three children wading and playing extensively in the stream. No fish, macros or insects seen. Ammonia-N half the level of Wheaton Lane. Surfactant and salinity/TDS/conductivity levels all slightly higher than the upstream site. Slightly noisier, AQ quite good.
Flora Lane
Flow medium, substrate sand with white silt on left side. About 50 smaller fish here, crowding together in scrums at times. Also, a couple adults (about 4″-5″). Water about 2C cooler here, but almost three times as “salty” as Wheaton and Dennis readings. Surfactant levels more than doubled from July’s reading up to 4.4 ppm. Lots of walkers, joggers and bikers. Water quality very good here, noise levels about 11 dBA higher than Dennis and Wheaton.
Dallas Avenue
Volume was moderate but steady. Substrate mostly sand with some silt. Sparrows, house finches, chickadees, about 40 fry and juvies, likely all blacknose dace (some flashes of red – likely male fins?). Ammonia-N low at 0.08, salinity et al. were about twice Wheaton and Dennis; fairly standard here. About two dozen walkers, joggers, bikers, four teens wading and playing in the restored Clement Street tributary. Air quality and noise levels very good.
June 2020
This is a brief summary of results of chemical and bacterial monitoring at various locations along Sligo Creek.
Dennis Avenue
Volume was on the low side of moderate. Substrate was relatively clear, with some isolated suds floating on surface. More people at this site than we’ve ever seen before, including about 15 children and adults wading and playing in the stream. About 20 fry and juvenile fish (blacknose?) present. Surfactant and chlorine levels were near all-time lows, but ammonia-N was somewhat elevated.
Flora Lane
Changes since February here. Flow was bigger and clearer, and the substrate was back to its usual sand/gravel clarity. The sediment and mulch of February are gone. About 15 juvenile fish here, as per summer usual. Surfactant level was less than half of February’s reading, but salinity/TDS/conductivity readings were all about triple those at Dennis Ave. Path was heavily used by walkers, joggers and bikers.
Dallas Avenue
Volume was moderate and slow. Water striders and blue dragonflies in abundance. A former riffle that is now firmly established as a languid run. Substrate mostly sand with some silt. About 20 juvenile and fry fish, and birds galore – catbirds, grackles, cardinals, crows, about six mallards, a vulture, a phoebe and a robin. Many data measurements (e.g., salinity, chlorine, surfactants) were about 65% below their February readings.
Bennington Drive
Volume was moderate and clear. The apron had light brown silt and algae combo, but the receiving pool was particularly clear. Maroon algae on the outfall, and no snails – a summer first here. Catbirds, cardinals and about a dozen mosquitoes. Most chemistry indicators were normal summer levels, except salinity/TDS/conductivity, all near elevated winter levels.
Wayne Avenue
Outfall volume was moderate. Channel volume was lower than usual and/or sediment from nearby Purple Line construction has raised the substrate so that the channel appears shallower. The fish are back – about sixty, forty juveniles, fifteen fry, and five larger fish, probably white suckers. No algae on the outfall, which is unusual here. Saw or heard blue jays, red-tailed hawk, and a cardinal. As almost always, this site presented the greatest number of problematic data points, with ammonia-N up at 0.35 ppm, total chlorine at 0.13 ppm, and surfactants coming in above the detection range of the colorimeter – so at least 8 ppm. While monitoring, a grease/oil discharge began, with a cloudy gray plume that the fish all gathered to feed on. As noted below, coliform levels were also extremely high here. Salinity, TDS and conductivity levels were a bit as well, though not as high as Bennington’s numbers.
Fleetwood Terrace
Volume was moderate, water clear. No rock algae apparent yet. The seep/slough water levels were moderate, small isthmus and an island appear to be forming. Blue dragonflies seen there. In the creek, there’s a beaver dam underway (second time in two years). Surfactants were at 0, a dramatic contrast to their 4.7 ppm reading in February. pH was again higher than all other sites, around 8.63. Free and total chlorine levels were a bit high (.07/.15 ppm), especially for one of our main channel sites. Salinity, TDS and conductivity levels were low.
Air quality was outstanding at every site. Noise levels were as expected at each site except Dennis Avenue, where the number of families enjoying the area bumped sound levels about 10 dBa over their usual range.
February 2020
This is a brief summary of results of chemical and bacterial monitoring at various locations along Sligo Creek.
Wheaton Lane
Volume was moderate, slow and cold. Bottom again covered with thick layer of brown silt and algae. Lots of folks out walking and jogging, along with robins, a downy woodpecker and six whitetail deer. Not all in one group. Detergent level was highest ever here, but chlorine was about half last month’s levels, and other chemical indicators were near standard winter lows. Air quality was quite good and noise levels were slightly higher than usual.
Dennis Avenue
Volume was stronger than usual. Bottom a combo of sand and leaf litter. Chickadee, downy woodpecker and possibly a kingfisher spotted. No tracks seen. Side channel still slowly forming along eastern bank. A few joggers and walkers. All readings were low, except for surfactants, which remain higher than normal. Air quality and noise were very good here.
Flora Lane
Changes here – flow was fuller and slower, with dust or sediment sitting on surface. Also, lots of organic/mulch debris on substrate, which had been probably the cleanest stream bottom that we see. No fish, no birds. Salinity, TDS and conductivity were all about double Dennis Ave readings. Total dropped way down from last month, but detergents continue to increase – up to 5.1 ppm this month. Air quality was excellent, noise levels were slightly lower than usual.
Dallas Avenue
Volume was moderate and slow. Substrate a mix of sand and silt, pool a consistent 2 feet deep now. About a half dozen joggers and walkers. No fish, but mallard pair, robins, and snowdrops starting to bud nearby. pH was high at 8.68, detergents were also high near 5 ppm, and chlorine was particularly hot for this site; .26/.32 ppm, free and total, respectively. Noise and AQ were excellent.
Bennington Drive
Volume was moderate and clear, sharp contrast to last month’s massive sediment discharge. Leaf out beginning, and lots of avian friends heard or sighted, including redtail hawk, turkey vulture, crows and cardinals. Most chemistry indicators were normal winter levels, except detergents – high at 4.4 ppm – and total chlorine, also elevated at .58 ppm. Noise levels were average, and air quality very good.
Wayne Avenue
Volume was moderate. Channel shallower with sand and some rock debris. No fish. Surfactants almost double from last month to 5.5 ppm. Salinity, TDS and conductivity levels were about average for this site. Total chlorine levels were high (.26 ppm). Noise levels nudged up a bit to 58.4 dB. Air quality was very good.
Fleetwood Terrace
Volume was moderate, water clear. No fish seen, algae 2-4″ long. Robins seen, blue jay and pileated woodpecker heard. Bud break underway. The seep/slough water levels were moderate and semi-frozen. Surfactants were elevated for this site at 4.7 ppm. pH was unusually high again, this time at 8.78 (compared to last month’s 8.99). Salinity, TDS and conductivity levels were low for winter. Noise and AQ were both average for this site.
January 2020
This is a brief summary of results of chemical and bacterial monitoring at various locations along Sligo Creek.
Wheaton Lane
Volume was low and cold. Heavy brown silt across bottom, algae about 2″ long. Heard red-tail hawk call, saw deer tracks. A woman who often walks the trail says the water turns “black” during rainfalls, saying she thought it was from car oil or some other fluid. Man and his dog forded the stream and asked about the health of the stream. Readings were fairly low hear, except for chlorine, which was very high compared to the Creek’s mean, especially in winter. Surfactants were low, air quality and noise were very good.
Dennis Avenue
Volume was moderate, light silt and algae. No wildlife seen or heard. Plunge pool is deeper now, with side trib forming along bank. No families or kids in park this time, but a few joggers and walkers. All readings were quite low, except for chlorine and surfactants, which were middle of the range. Air quality and noise were very good here as well.
Flora Lane
Clear, deep, moderate flow here. No fish, no birds. Temperature, salinity, TDS and conductivity were all about double Dennis Ave readings. Total chlorine was high as well. Ammonia barely registered here, as opposed to the zeros at Wheaton and Dennis. Air quality very good, noise slightly higher here than other upstream sites because of Beltway proximity.
Dallas Avenue
Volume was moderate to low; slow current. Substrate clear with some leaf litter. Trib being restored, so pump removing water and shunting around sandbags and curtain, downstream to main channel. No wildlife, no fish, a few pedestrians walked by. Ammonia-N levels at 0, surfactants, salinity, TDS and conductivity levels all fairly low for winter. Perhaps lack of snow and subsequent lack of road salting? AQ was excellent.
Bennington Drive
Volume was heavy and completely turbid with tan-colored silt. Entire spillway, apron and pool opaque. A Water WatchDog event that we are following up on with WSSC and DEP. Ammonia-N levels up to 0.08, surfactants at 0 ppm, which is probably a first. Salinity, TDS and conductivity levels all quite high, and would probably have been higher if we’d taken our sample five minutes earlier. Chlorine levels moderate. Noise levels were moderate, air quality excellent.
Wayne Avenue
Purple Line construction has hit this site. Sandbags and box boulders right up to the outfall. Volume was low to moderate. Channel was shallow with sand and small asphalt pieces in pool and on apron. No fish. Small but steady line of suds from outfall. Ammonia-N levels were high for winter at 0.18 ppm, surfactants at 2.9 ppm. Salinity, TDS and conductivity levels were all seasonally appropriate, i.e., higher than average. Chlorine levels were very high (.14/.26). Noise levels were about 56 dB (a little low here), and air quality was very good.
Fleetwood Terrace
Volume was low to moderate, water clear. No fish seen, algae 2-4″ long. Kingfisher and red-bellied woodpecker seen, blue jay heard. Deer tracks present. The seep water levels were low but steady, surprising given the lack of rain lately. Ammonia-N levels at 0.02, surfactants were up at 3.9 ppm. pH was unusually high at 8.99. Salinity, TDS and conductivity levels were low for winter. Noise levels nudged up a bit to 55 dB. Air quality good here, though slightly poorer than most other sites this day.
Above: Water quality team monitoring near Wayne Avenue outfall

Above: Gathering Creek water quality samples near Dallas Avenue
Dallas Avenue:
Volume was moderate; slow current here now, but deep pool (almost 3 ft at our site, which used to be 2 inches in depth). Substrate clear with leaf litter, some plastic trash along edges. Less fine silt than in prior visits. No animals or tracks seen. Ammonia-N levels at 0, surfactants were quite high (5.3ppm). Salinity, TDS and conductivity levels were low for winter. Chlorine levels low, noise as well at 51 dB, quieter than usual. AQ was excellent. Many walkers out.
Bennington Drive:
Volume was just above a trickle. Leaf litter heavy, some gray algae, maroon on the outfall. English ivy taken over banks. No snails this time, shrubs and branches blocking much of apron now. Ammonia-N levels at 0.01, Surfactants fairly steady at 2.6 ppm. Salinity, TDS and conductivity levels all near winter highs. Chlorine levels moderate (.07/.09). Noise levels were lowest every (42 dB), air quality excellent.
Wayne Avenue:
Volume was very low. Channel was shallow with heavy leaf litter in pool. No fish, a few bird calls. Small but steady line of suds along far bank, light plastic trash along banks. Ammonia-N levels were high (especially for winter) at 0.39 ppm, surfactants at 3.1 ppm. Salinity, TDS and conductivity levels were all seasonally appropriate, i.e., higher than average. Chlorine levels were moderate (.08/.08). Noise levels were about 56 dB (a little low here), and air quality was very good, though a smidge higher than the other sites.
Fleetwood Terrace:
Volume was moderate, water clear. No fish seen, algae 2-4″ long. Hawk hanging out in overhead tree. The seep water levels were strong, and we’re now seeing through flow to the main channel in most visits. Ammonia-N levels at 0.05 surfactants at 2.6 ppm. Salinity, TDS and conductivity levels were low for winter. Chlorine levels were higher than usual (.15/.07), and noise levels were about 53 dB. Air quality good, about same as Wayne Avenue.
October 2019
Wheaton Lane
Flow volume was moderate. Many joggers, walkers and families at nearby playground. Tons of tracks (raccoon, bird, dog, mouse) and one yellow jacket. About five small fish. Substrate lightly covered in brown algae. Ammonia-N level at 0, while salinity/TDS/conductivity were all quite low. Free chlorine snuck up a bit to 0.04 ppm and surfactants were steady at 1.4 ppm. Noise level was really low (43 dBA), air quality was very good but up substantially from last month’s rock bottom levels.
Dennis Avenue
Volume was moderate. Many kids playing nearby, lots of bikers and runners. Good leaf litter, no algae. Suds present, but likely from leaf breakdown. Ammonia-N level down to 0 mg/L, surfactants down again (2.2 mg/L). Chlorine pretty low, while salinity/TDS/conductivity about 30% higher than upstream Wheaton site. About 40 small fry, no tracks but many crows and dogs heard. Noise levels around 52 dBA and AQ was good, but higher than Wheaton.
Flora Lane
Moderate water flow this time, and no algae, more sand/dirt. About 15 fish, jays, crows and one highly-annoyed squirrel. Ammonia-N way down to 0.04, surfactants down by 30% to 2.3 ppm. Chlorine relatively high (.05/.08 ppm). Conductivity, TDS and salinity were fairly high. Lots of joggers and dog walkers. Noise around 50.5 dBA, AQ very good; same as Wheaton.
Dallas Avenue
Moderate flow. Site is now a pool due to Parks’ cross vaning. Substrate has less silt, more sand than last time. Trib coming from Clement Road/Midwood Place area was choked with tan sediment. Sent pic via Water WatchDog. Three or four water striders seen, no fish. Ammonia-N levels at 0 mg/L, surfactants steady at 2 ppm. Salinity, TDS and conductivity about double Dennis Ave site. Chlorine levels back down to .02/.07 ppm. Noise levels were quite low (49 dBA). AQ was very good, about same as Wheaton.
Bennington Drive
Flow back in SA11. Volume in SA 10 (measured outfall) was low to moderate. Leaf dam built up across the apron. Apron and pool had no algae, but moderate amount of brown silt on bottom. Ammonia-N levels down to 0.04, and surfactants down to 1.1 from last month’s 6 ppm. Salinity, TDS and conductivity levels were all quite high, close to winter territory again (769/1079/1540, respectively). Chlorine levels were moderate. About 20 snails, some leaf litter. Noise levels down around 48 dBA) and AQ was very good.
Wayne Avenue
Volume was low, channel outfall pool very deep. Ammonia-N levels down to .12, after being off the chart last month. Surfactants were down but still high at 4.3 ppm. Salinity, TDS and conductivity levels were all moderately high, as were chlorine levels (.12/.12). About 40 fish, including many large white sucker adults that appear to be almost a foot long. And one titmouse stopped by. Lots of foot traffic and cyclists out. Noise levels at 53.2 dBA (below normal here) and AQ was very good.
Fleetwood Terrace
Volume was moderate. About 7 small fry, fox or skunk smell again. Flow back to main channel from slough, grass showed where Creek had flooded over into the slough recently. Ammonia-N levels down to 0 from 0.26 ppm, surfactants way down as well (0.9 ppm). Salinity, TDS and conductivity levels were midrange and chorine levels were low. AQ was very good but climbing, and noise was lower than usual at 53 dBA.
Wheaton Lane
Flow volume was quite low, almost stagnant. Two dozen small fish, one 5″ crayfish and many water striders. Substrate is lightly covered in algae and gray silt. Ammonia-N level up at 0.25 mg/L. Salinity/TDS/conductivity rising again into fall, free chlorine was relatively low at 0.03 ppm and surfactants were down at 1.4 ppm. Noise level was back to normal around 51 dBA. Air quality was fantastic around 0.1 for PM2.5 and PM10.
Dennis Avenue
Volume was lower than normal. Lots of leaf litter and local kids playing nearby. Ammonia-N level high at .19 mg/L, surfactants as well (2.9 mg/L). Chlorine was more than twice Wheaton’s levels, while salinity/TDS/conductivity were about 20% lower. About 15 fry, heard several crows. Substrate fairly clean, with little algae or silt. Noise levels around 56 dBA and AQ was outstanding as above.
Flora Lane
Moderate water flow this time, and substrate has gray algae, which is new. Ammonia-N was 0.16, surfactants were 3.8 ppm – very high for this site. Chlorine quite low. Conductivity, TDS and salinity were about 30% higher than Wheaton and Dennis readings. One small frog jumped in as I arrived. About 20 fish spotted. Heard nuthatch, squirrels, saw a chipmunk. Lots of joggers and dog walkers. Noise around 54 dBA, AQ almost as good as Wheaton and Dennis.
Dallas Avenue
Extreme low flow. Riffles are gone. Site is now a pool due to Parks bridge and cross vaning up stream. Substrate covered in tan silt. Water striders in abundance, two fry seen. pH and temperature higher here than up stream. Ammonia-N levels at .24 mg/L, surfactants also at 2 ppm. Salinity, TDS and conductivity about same as Flora Lane. Chlorine levels high — 0.21 ppm total chlorine. Noise levels were about 54 dBA (a little low here). Construction crew (Sligo pathway and foot bridges) nearby, with lots of walkers and bikers in the area. AQ was perfect (0 PM2.5 and PM10).
Bennington Drive
No flow in SA11, which is rare. Volume low to moderate. Apron and pool had no gray algae, but lots of tan-colored silt on bottom and surface of water. Ammonia-N levels at 0.12, which is low here but surfactants way up at 6 ppm. Salinity, TDS and conductivity levels were all quite high, close to winter territory. Chlorine levels were relatively low, pH was quite high (8.44). About 20 snails, fair amount of leaf litter, lots of plastic trash – cups, work gloves, bags, a bike helmet and a lacrosse ball. Noise levels were about 51 and AQ was solidly good.
Wayne Avenue
Volume was moderate, channel outfall pool very deep. Gray oils/fats obvious in cloudy outflow, ammonia-N levels so high they could not be read by colorimeter. Surfactants were also extremely high at 8 ppm. Salinity, TDS and conductivity levels were all moderately high, as were chlorine levels. Outfall was a complete mess this time around (also see off-the-chart coliform levels below). About 75 fish, including several adults that appear to be a foot long. Lots of foot traffic and cyclists out, as well as two fishers, one quite exercised. Heard blue jays and a pileated woodpecker. Noise levels were about 54 dBA (below normal here) and AQ was very good.
Fleetwood Terrace
Volume was a bit below normal, water clear. New terraces in the channel with lower water level and/or summer blowout rains. About 10 small fish, fox or skunk smell. Heard crickets and many birds. No fish seen, very little algae. No flow through to main channel from slough, which had dried into 3 small pools. Coliform levels were the highest we’ve ever seen here, in line with Wayne Avenue’s “normal” zone. Wayne’s own levels probably contributed to #s here. Ammonia-N levels high at 0.26 ppm, surfactants slightly elevated (2.6 ppm). Salinity, TDS and conductivity levels were midrange and chorine levels were low. AQ was very good and noise at 56 dBA.
Maple Avenue
Volume was light, apron spillway covered in putrid leaves and mud. Sporadic sewage/putrefaction smell mixed with detergent/soap odor. More of apron has collapsed into pool and safe access is now an issue. No flow in 01C. Receiving pool was green/brown opaque. Usual orange floc in 01B, gray algae in 01A. Ammonia-N level in 01A was 0.23 (ran out of reagent for 01). Surfactants were 1.8 there. Salinity, TDS and conductivity levels were moderate and almost identical. Temperatures were warm for October. Chlorine level in 01A was a bit high at .05/.10 free/total. Mosquitoes and gnats in droves, concentrated near the grills and the rotting leaves on apron. Noise levels were about 58 dBA and AQ was very good.
May 2019
This is a brief summary of results of chemical and bacterial monitoring at various locations along Sligo Creek.
Wheaton Lane
Flow volume was low. Two small fish seen, few birds heard. Substrate is lightly covered in algae. Ammonia-N level moderate at 0.15 mg/L. pH was more basic than usual – almost 9 – but temp was seasonally appropriate. Salinity/TDS/conductivity were low, and chlorine was at 0. Surfactants at 2.8 ppm, about their usual range here. Noise level above normal at 63 dB, but this was because it was mowing day at Parks, apparently.
Dennis Avenue
Volume was moderate to low here. Ammonia-N level at 0.08. Surfactants were about 1.8 mg/L. Chlorine levels lower were .03/.09/.06. Salinity/TDS/conductivity were about 10% higher than Wheaton. We saw about 15 juvenile fish. Substrate fairly clean, with little algae or silt. Noise levels around 61.5 dB, which is high, again because of mowing decks in the area.
Flora Lane
Moderate water flow this time, and substrate was cleaner than usual (no algae, mostly sand). Ammonia-N was 0.11, surfactants were 1.8 ppm. Free and total chlorine were .03 and .10, respectively. Conductivity, TDS and salinity were about double Wheaton and Dennis readings. About 15 juvenile fish spotted. Lots of bird and mosquito activity. Noise around 56 dB.
Dallas Avenue
Volume was low. Substrate clear. No tracks seen, but gnats and juvenile water striders in abundance, and a couple released a box turtle near the bridge (it had crawled up near their swimming pool). Ammonia-N levels at 0.9, surfactants were up at 2.8 ppm. Salinity, TDS and conductivity levels between Wheaton and Dennis readings. Chlorine levels low this time around. Noise levels were about 56 dB. Construction crew (Sligo pathway and foot bridges) nearby, with lots of walkers and bikers in the area.
Bennington Drive
Volume was moderate. Apron and pool relatively clean, though pool column somewhat cloudy. Ammonia-N levels at 0.42, which is pretty high. Surfactants at 1.9 ppm. Salinity, TDS and conductivity levels were all quite high, close to winter territory. Chlorine levels were a bit high (0.14 ppm for total chlorine). No snails, unusual for this late in the spring, but raccoon tracks seen in the apron’s silt. Noise levels were about 51.5 dB.
Wayne Avenue
Volume was high, channel outfall pool was deep. Lots of orange iron floc on the outfall pipe. About 30 fish, mostly juveniles and fry, as well as lots of birds. Ammonia-N levels at 0.16, surfactants at 2.1 ppm. Salinity, TDS and conductivity levels were all high, similar to Bennington Drive’s numbers. Chlorine levels were all fairly low. Noise levels were about 59 dB (normal here).
Fleetwood Terrace
Volume was moderate, water clear. No fish seen, very little algae. Several dragonfly pairs near the seep/slough, where water levels were high and consistent flow through to the main channel appears now to be well-established. Ammonia-N levels at 0.09 ppm, surfactants steady here at 1.8 ppm. Salinity, TDS and conductivity levels were midrange, along the lines of Dallas Avenue. Chlorine levels were quite low, and noise levels were at 55.5 dB.
Maple Avenue
Volume was heavy, covering the entire remaining outfall spillway. Steady flow of sandy sediment from 01A and, to a lesser extent, 01B, through monitoring. 01B has very heavy iron floc throughout, and 01C also has steady flow (which appears to be the new normal for this pipe). Receiving pool was completely opaque with suspended sediment – could not see the bottom. Ammonia-N levels were 0.13 and 0.38, 01A/01B respectively. Surfactants were 2.7 and 0.6 ppm in 01A and 01B. Salinity, TDS and conductivity levels were moderately high and quite similar to one another. Chlorine levels were low in both pipes. Raccoon tracks in apron sediment/algae layer. Noise levels were about 57.3 dB.
Flow volume was low. I disturbed one juvenile fish or tadpole when I arrived. Dog and raccoon tracks along the bank, with birds quite vocal today. Substrate is covered in dark gray silt and heavy algae layer. Ammonia-N level low at 0.06 mg/L. pH and temp were seasonally appropriate. Salinity/TDS/conductivity were high, as would be expected with winter’s road salt application. Chlorine levels were surprisingly high, as were surfactants at 2.6 ppm. Noise level slightly above usual at 51 dBA, air quality in the very good range. Dennis Avenue Volume was moderate to high here, which is interesting since it’s only about half a mile downstream from the Wheaton Lane site. Ammonia-N level at 0.02. Surfactants were about 1.6 mg/L. Chlorine levels lower were about half of those at the Wheaton site. Salinity/TDS/conductivity were about 20% lower than Wheaton and near the standard winter averages. Saw three fish fry, one parent and child playing nearby. Noise levels around 53 dBA – normal here – and air quality excellent (about half Wheaton Lane’s PM2.5 and PM10 numbers).
Flora Lane
The water in this outfall/trib was had full but moderate flow. Substrate appeared to have more algae and fine sand then previously. Ammonia-N was 0.02, surfactants jumped to 3.4 ppm – high for this site, as well as most others. Free and total chlorine were lower than recently at .07 and .11, respectively. Water temp here was about 2 degrees warmer than nearby tribs or the main channel, which appears to be a consistent pattern. Conductivity, TDS and salinity were about a third lower than Wheaton Lane – the opposite of what we saw in November. About 12 juvenile fish spotted. Noise around 53 dBA and air quality excellent (interesting since this site is about 150 m from the Beltway).
Dallas Avenue
Volume was low and slow. Cobbles covered with algae, pebbles and sand clear. No animals or tracks seen. Ammonia-N levels at 0, surfactants halved back down to 1.2 ppm. Salinity, TDS and conductivity levels between Wheaton and Dennis readings. Chlorine levels very low this time around. Noise levels were about 54 dBA, which is quieter than usual. AQ was excellent. Lots of bikers out.
Bennington Drive
Volume was moderate. Apron and pool covered with gray silt/sand + algae still. Ammonia-N levels at 0.18, a substantial jump from last readings. Surfactants fairly steady at 2.5 ppm. Salinity, TDS and conductivity levels were all relatively low for this time of year – about same as Flora Lane. Chlorine levels were lower than most other sites (.02/.03). Few birds heard, snails gone. Noise levels were about 54 dBA, air quality excellent.
Wayne Avenue
Volume was high with a distinct sewage-meets-mildew smell. Channel was shallow, with new sediment appearing to have filled the outfall pool. Lots of orange iron floc on the outfall pipe. No fish, no birds. Ammonia-N levels at 0, surfactants at 2.6 ppm. Salinity, TDS and conductivity levels were all seasonally a bit low, similar to Flora Lane’s readings. Chlorine levels were split (.03/.21, free and total, respectivley). E.coli was 6,300 and total coliform came in at 8,400 cfu – not as high as usual, but still hot. Noise levels were about 60 dBA (normal here), and air quality was the lowest tested this month – on the line very good and good (23.7 PM2.5 / 40.1 PM10).
Fleetwood Terrace
Volume was moderate, water clear. No fish seen, algae quiet. Lots of crows. Three new beech trees planted by Parks. The seep water levels were lower, but consistent flow through to the main channel appears to have been established. Ammonia-N levels at 0, surfactants steady here at 1.8 ppm. Salinity, TDS and conductivity levels were high – in fact, the highest of all sites. Chlorine levels were lower than usual, and E.coli and total coliform came in about average at 1,000 cfu/1,500 cfu, respectively. Noise levels were about 52 dBA, air quality was on the edge, with roughly the same levels as Wayne Avenue.
Maple Avenue
Volume was very heavy, covering the entire outfall apron spillway. Monitoring here is now more time consuming due to the collapse of most of the apron. Occasional detergent or shampoo smell present. Steady, moderate slug of sand and silt began at precisely 1 PM. Receiving pool was opaque and bottom covered with silt and sand. Ammonia-N levels were 0 at both outfalls. Steady stream of surface bubbles visible in both pipes, though no visible accumulation in receiving pool. Surfactants were 2.2 and 1.1 ppm in 01A and 01B, respectively. Salinity, TDS and conductivity levels were a bit lower than would be expected here in winter. Free/total chlorine levels were quite high in 01A (.29/.60), more moderate in 01B (.10/.16). This appears to be a consistent pattern here. E.coli and Total coliform were much lower than usual 300/400 cfu in 01A, and 200/300 cfu/mL at 01B. Two ducks in distance of Brashears, no animal tracks in apron sediment/algae layer. Heavy peach and iron algae in 01A and 01B, respectively. Noise levels were about 60 dBA, which is higher than usual here. Air quality here also sketchy – very similar to numbers at Wayne and Fleetwood. These last three sites were monitored on a separate day, so these numbers could be simply the result of a change in air masses, or they may reflect geographic patterns. More data will help sort this out over time.
Volume was low and slow. Ammonia-N level at 0, pH and temp were seasonally appropriate (slightly more alkaline and definitely colder, respectively). Salinity/TDS/ conductivity again all extremely low. Chlorine levels were essentially zero. Surfactants still quite high though, at 3.7 ppm. A steady stream of small suds went by. Substrate covered with brown sediment/algae mix. No animals seen. Noise level higher than average at 58 dBA, and air quality very good (PM2.5 at 12.3, PM10 at 21.7).
Dennis Avenue
Volume was low to medium, substrate was surprisingly clean of algae. Lots of suds floating by. No birds hear, one small fish fry seen. Lots of leaf blowers and joggers today. Ammonia-N level at 0. Surfactants around 1 mg/L. Salinity/TDS/conductivity quite low, though slightly higher than Wheaton Lane. Noise levels around 58 dB – again about 5 dBA louder than the prior month. Air quality just slightly worse than at Wheaton Lane.
Flora Lane
Very clear water as always, with a moderate, steady flow and clean sand/silt mixed bottom. Ammonia-N was 0, surfactants crept up to 1.7 ppm. Water temp was a couple of degrees warmer here than nearby tribs or the main channel. Conductivity, TDS and salinity were much higher than readings at Wheaton Lane and Dennis Avenue – more than double. About 12 juvenile fish spotted. Air quality and noise almost identical to Dennis Ave. Rain began and had to end monitoring.
Wheaton Lane
Volume was low and slow. Ammonia-N level way down at 0.01 mg/L. pH and temp were seasonally appropriate (slightly more alkaline and definitely colder, respectively). Salinity/TDS/conductivity again all quite low. Chlorine levels were surprisingly high (free chlorine at .20 ppm). Surfactants still around 2 ppm. Coliform readings were again relatively low here (100cfu EC, 500cfu TC). 1/2″ brown algae covers most rocks on substrate. Water striders common, some small fry fish present. Noise level about average at 48 dB.
Dennis Avenue
Volume was low and slow. Ammonia-N level at 0. Surfactants around 2 mg/L. Chlorine levels lower than Wheaton but still elevated (.10 to .14 range). Salinity/TDS/conductivity quite low though slightly higher than Wheaton Lane a mile upstream. Substrate a mix of brown algae and clean cobble (80/20). No fish seen, lots of parents and children playing nearby, though not in the stream. Noise levels around 53 dB.
Flora Lane
Very clear water as always, with a moderate, steady flow and clean sand/silt mixed bottom. Ammonia-N was 0, surfactants had fallen back to around 1 ppm. Free and total chlorine were quite high at .18 and .26, respectively. Water temp was a couple of degrees warmer here than nearby tribs or the main channel, which is interesting because this trib is shaded for its entire course. Conductivity, TDS and salinity were, again, about twice the readings at Wheaton Lane and Dennis Avenue. Coliform levels were only in the 100 – 300cfu range, so a huge improvement there. About 20 juvenile fish spotted. Noise around 53 dB.
Dallas Avenue
Volume was low and slow. Substrate relatively clear of algae. A handful of small fish seen. Ammonia-N levels at 0.03, surfactants doubled back up to 2.6 ppm. Salinity, TDS and conductivity levels all about 15% higher than Dennis Avenue’s readings. Chlorine levels jumped up (.15/.16). Total Coliform was 900cfu, E. Coli was 300cfu. Few birds. Noise levels were about 60 dB.
Bennington Drive
Volume was heavy, smell of dust or dirt and occasionally soap was present. Apron and pool covered with gray silt/sand. Ammonia-N levels at 0.02, surfactants up to 2.9 ppm. Salinity, TDS and conductivity levels were all elevated for this time of year – 50% higher than Flora Lane’s readings. Chlorine levels were lower than most other sites (.02/.06). E.coli was 0 but Total Coliform was 28,000 cfu – the highest we’ve ever seen here, comparable to Wayne Avenue’s usual readings. Few birds. Snails gone. Noise levels were about 50 dB. Wayne Avenue Volume was steady, water clear but occasionally musty smell appeared. Channel was moderately deep and fairly clear, with lots of leaf litter and about 30 juvenile and adult fish in the pool. Ammonia-N levels at 0, surfactants at 2.3 ppm. Salinity, TDS and conductivity levels were all elevated for this time of year, similar to Flora Lane’s readings. Chlorine levels were lower than most other sites (.03/.05). E.coli was 24,000 and Total Coliform came in at 24,600 cfu – very hot, as usual. Noise levels were about 61 dB.
Fleetwood Terrace
Volume was moderate, water clear. Only 4 small fry fish seen, no evidence of beaver or birds nearby. Ammonia-N levels at 0, surfactants down to 1.6 ppm. Salinity, TDS and conductivity levels were seasonally appropriate similar to Dallas Avenue. Chlorine levels were higher than usual (.12/.11), and E.coli and Total Coliform came in much higher than usual at about 12,000 cfu/100mL. This is a first for this site and there is likely a new source since Wayne Avenue’s high levels are essentially a constant. Noise levels were about 51 dB.
Maple Avenue
Volume was heavy, occasional detergent or shampoo smell present. Sand and silt sediment was all over the apron and coated the bottom of the receiving pool. Ammonia-N levels were 0 at 01A, 0.9 at 01B. Surfactants were 2.4 and 1.6 ppm, respectively. Salinity, TDS and conductivity levels were seasonally appropriate. Chlorine levels were quite high in 01A (.20/.29), more moderate in 01B (.04/.15). E.coli and Total coliform were much lower than readings, ranging from a low of 0 to a high of 1,900 cfu/100mL. Raccoon tracks in apron sediment/algae layer. Someone was getting stoned up one of the tunnels. Noise levels were about 56 dB.
Wheaton Lane
Volume was low and slow, water clear. Lots of water striders here as well as about a dozen tiny fish among the rocks. Short, chocolate brown algae covers most of the substrate. Ammonia-N level at 0, versus .24 mg/L last time around. pH and temp pretty standard, while salinity/TDS/conductivity were quite low again. Chlorine levels slid up to the .02/.04 ppm range, so this is a pollutant that appears to see some variability here. Surfactants were lower at 0.9 ppm. Air quality readings were (4.6 ppm for PM2.5, 4.9 ppm for PM10). Noise level ticked up to around 52 dB. Few birds. Lots of joggers, bikers and walkers, but no one at nearby playground this day.
Dennis Avenue
Flow steady but a bit low, water clear. Short, brownish algae on most substrate rocks. Baby crayfish spotted this time around, along with a handful juvenile fish. Also what appeared to be a northern water snake swam past the site on its way upstream. Grandparents with child splashing through the Creek, many children playing on nearby playground. Ammonia-N was steady near 0.23 mg/L. Water temp slightly lower than Wheaton Lane site, while salinity etc. readings were all about 20% higher. Surfactants were low (less than 1 ppm), while chlorine levels were higher than last month’s reading at .02/.04 ppm. Surfactants came in at 0.9 ppm. AQ levels were poorer than last time around (21.2 and 30.0 ppm PM2.5 and PM10, respectively). Noise levels were up a bit to 57.9 dB.
Flora Lane
Water clear, flow steady, no algae on trib substrate. Ammonia-N was 0, pH was closer to 8 here again, temp was about 3 degrees cooler than the main channel. Conductivity, TDS and salinity were, again, about twice the readings at Wheaton Lane (405, 595 and 850). Surfactants were high again at 3 ppm. Free and total chlorine were at .02 and .03, respectively – holding steady. AQ levels were excellent (4.3 and 10.2, PM2.5 and PM10 respectively), and noise leverls were up about 3 dB to 55.6 dB. About 15 juvenile to adult fish near sampling site, about 20 feet upstream from small waterfall upstream from bridge.
Dallas Avenue
Flow steady but a bit low, water clear. Short, brownish algae on some substrate rocks. About a dozen small fry and juvenile fish. Jay and crow heard. Grandmother with grandson “the scientist” was at site again. Lots of bikers passing by on bridges, a few joggers as well. Ammonia-N levels at 0 – great! – and salinity, TDS and conductivity levels almost the same as Dennis Avenue again. pH slightly closer to neutral than other sites, temperature about the same as the main channel sites upstream. Chlorine levels swapped places with last month (.03/.05). Surfactants remained steady at last month’s reading near 1.3 ppm. AQ levels were 16.2 for PM2.5, 20.0 for PM10 – slightly lower than last month’s numbers. Noise levels were a bit quieter at 56 dB.
Bennington Drive
Water flow strong in SA10, light in SA 11. Light layer of gray algae and/or silt on apron. Less than earlier in summer. Snails back at SA10 – about 50. Water snake living in cracked stones of spillway slope. Lots of trash – cigarettes, plastic bottles, peach Gummi bear wrappers, etc. Receiving pool unusually clear at first, but then flow of suspended sediment and decayed paper or fibers began. Ammonia-N levels at 0.55, so about twice the usual. pH and temp about seasonal standard, while salinity, TDS and conductivity were all higher than normal summer levels (553, 810 and 1147 – getting toward winter levels for dissolved salts, etc.). Free chlorine was very high – .30 ppm – and surfactants were also elevated at 4.0 ppm. Air quality not as good as usual (19.2/26.7 for PM2.5/PM10), and somewhat noisier than normal (58.5 dBA).
Wayne Avenue
Flow moderate, Creek level high (or outfall pipe is sagging). Distinct smell of cedar from outfall, and a small but steady flow of suds. Huge school of fish; about 20 adults (one almost 1 foot long) and almost 100 juveniles and fry. Approx. 85% blacknose dace, 15% white sucker. Ammonia-N at 0.37, pH, temp and the salts about 10% lower than at Bennington Drive. Chlorine quite low, but surfactants moderate at 3.0 ppm. Air quality not as good as usual (20/25.3 for PM2.5/PM10), and sound levels about normal (56.1 dBA).
Fleetwood Terrace
Flow low, water clear, temperature higher than usual, as well as pH. Gray/brown rock algae prominent, 2 to 8 inches long. About 30 fry and juvenile fish. Cicadas quite active. Salinity/TDS/Conductivity all seasonally appropriate. Chlorine levels at .03 ppm, surfactants relatively low at 1.3 ppm. Air quality was poorer here at 22.7/29.3 (PM2.5/PM10) and noise levels were about average for this site (55 dB). Nearby wetland looking strong with dragonflies and extensive vegetation all around. Intermittent flow out of the wetland into Sligo may have been established, at least with average rainfall rates.
Maple Avenue
Flow was moderate here, pool quality was as well. The big news is that the concrete outfall apron or swale has seen its downstream half collapse into the stream. TKPK is apparently looking into temporarily shoring it up before a full rebuild down the road. Raccoon tracks in apron algae, focused on 1C and 1A outfalls. Lots of trash on banks, in forest and downstream. Wood chips/mulch caught in grate of 01B. Tan silt throughout the apron algae mat. Blue jays, robins and crows seen/heard. Water striders in receiving pool, which is unusual here. No mosquitoes, cicadas all around. Ammonia-N was 0.28 mg/L in 01A, 0.48 mg/L in 01B, so higher than usual in 01B. pH, temperature and salts/dissolved salts all comparable to one another and similar to Fleetwood Terrace’s numbers this month. Chlorine a bit high in 01B (0.05/0.07 ppm, free chlorine/total chlorine). Surfactants lower than normal, though higher in 01B. Air quality readings were 19.8/31.1 (PM2.5/PM10), and noise levels were also higher than usual at 61.1 dB.
Except for Wheaton Lane and Flora Lane, PM 2.5 air quality readings this month at these sites pushed the air quality out of EPA’s Good range and into its Moderate area.
Wheaton Lane
This site is in the Sligo Creek main channel about 50 meters south of the headwaters outlet that runs beneath University Ave. Volume was low again, water clear. Ammonia-N level at 0.24 mg/L, approximately background level for many of our sites. pH and temp seasonally appropriate. Salinity/TDS/conductivity again all quite low. Chlorine levels were zeroes this time around, compared to .06 and .08 last time – good sign. Surfactants were still substantial at 2 ppm. Air quality readings were a bit higher than the average for the watershed, but still well within what is generally deemed healthy (14 ppm for PM2.5, 17 ppm for PM10). Noise level about average at 48 dB. Coliform readings were again relatively low here (200cfu EC, 900cfu TC). 1/2″ brown algae covers most rocks on substrate. About 10 fish fry seen. Water striders common, mosquitoes moderate, no tracks along bank mud. Few birds. Lots of joggers, bikers and walkers, but no one at nearby playground this day.
Dennis Avenue
This site is in the Sligo Creek main channel near the Dennis Avenue playground and park building. Flow steady but fairly low. Ammonia-N was up to 0.23 mg/L here. Coliform numbers were about triple the readings at Wheaton Lane. pH and temp slightly lower than Wheaton, while salinity/TDS readings were all slightly higher. Surfactants were low – 1.1 ppm – while chlorine was present this time around, albeit at very low levels (.02/.01). AQ levels were poorer than last time around; comparable to Wheaton Lane’s numbers. Noise levels at 54.3 dB. Substrate a mix of brown algae and clean cobble (80/20). About 10 fry sighted. Mosquitoes very heavy, occasional catbird heard. Large crayfish (9″ body) as well. Parents with children walking along the Creek, dogs cooling themselves and drinking from the stream. Noise lever around 52 dBA.
Flora Lane
This site is near the Sligo Creek bike trail as this tributary enters the Sligo Creek floodplain, just west of the footbridge. Very clear water, moderate, steady flow. Ammonia-N was 0.26, surfactants were high (3,1 ppm) again, though lower than last month. Free and total chlorine were at .0 and .03, respectively, so some improvement. pH was closer to 8 here again, temp is a couple of degrees cooler than the main channel. Conductivity, TDS and salinity were, again, about twice the readings at Wheaton Lane. Total Coliform levels were 1600 cfu, and E.Coli was only 200cfu, so better than last time around. AQ levels were poorer here than Dennis Avenue, though still within the “Good” range for AQI. Strong water flow in trib, a fair amount of well-sorted silt, sand and clay on bottom. Mosquito City here. Dragonfiles mating. Vibrant – and fearless – population of juvenile fish (approx 40) who apparently find wading boot fascinating. Noise at 52 dBA.
Dallas Avenue
This site is near the Sligo Creek trail, down the hill from the MNC-PPC headquarters on Dallas Ave, near the footbridges that cross the confluence of the main channel and the Woodside Park trib. Ammonia-N levels at 0.19, surfactants half last month’s reading at 1.2 ppm. Salinity, TDS and conductivity levels almost the same as Dennis Avenues. Chlorine levels jumped up (.05/.03). Total Coliform was again 1100cfu, E. Coli was again 400cfu. Water level low, but clear with good flow. Substrate relatively clear of algae. A handful of small fish seen. Few birds, lots of walkers, including a very young grandson who “is a scientist too.” AQ levels were poorest here (16.7 for PM2.5, 29.6 for PM10) of the four sites. Noise levels were highest at 61 dBA.
April 2018
This is a brief summary of results of chemical and bacterial monitoring at various locations along Sligo Creek.
Bennington Drive
Volume was heavier than usual in SA10. Some dead terrestrial worms on the apron and in the pool, which was very cloudy with suspended sediment. No snails. Lots of convenience store trash (plastic coffee cups, ketchup packets, etc.) this time. Musty, detergent scent occasionally came down the pipe. Apron has a gray algae carpet, outfall now has orange and bright green algae. Birds everywhere. Ammonia-N level low — 0.11 mg/L. pH and temp seasonally appropriate, salinity/TDS/conductivity all near winter highs again. Chlorine levels were low, but surfactants went back up to 4.0 ppm – pretty high. Air quality readings and noise level both very good. Coliform readings dropped moderately from last readings.
Wayne Avenue
Ammonia-N down to a low (for here) 0.29 mg/L, or 1/4 February’s reading. Coliform numbers, however, were much hotter at TNTC. No positive correlation here. pH was a bit lower than usual, and salinity/TDS readings were on the downward spring slope, though still a bit high. Surfactants were down – 2.7 ppm. Steady light suds from outfall pipe and in main channel. Receiving pool was clear with a sandy bottom this time. Birds loud and common, including a pileated woodpecker(?). The fish posse is back – about 20 adults and approx. 100 fry and juveniles.
Fleetwood Terrace
Surfactants were down from February to 1.5 ppm – much improved from winter’s reading of 5.7ppm. Free and total chlorine eased down a bit, ammonia-N held steady at 0.13 mg/L. pH came in at 8 this time, much higher than the sub-4 we saw here last time. Conductivity, TDS and salinity were all low, as was chlorine. Total Coliform levels almost doubled, but E.Coli was almost 50% lower. Gray rock algae 2 to 6 inches long, about 15 fry swimming near sample site. Strong flow in channel. Heard and saw redtail hawks. PM readings snuck up a bit though still excellent, same for dB, now at 55. The Hartford seep is filling with sediment, but also appears to be establishing at least an intermittent flow connection with the Creek now.
Maple Avenue
Flow volume strong in 01A and 01B, as well as 01C, which is apparently no longer unusual. Occasional soap/detergent smell across apron. Ammonia-N levels headed were mixed, both around .15 mg/L. Salinity, TDS and conductivity levels were about average, though 01B is higher on all parameters, including pH (almost 8). Water level in pool was high, quite cloudy from suspended sediment. Delta is only about 2 inches below surface now because of sediment accumulation. Apron now features a highback office chair and more plastic trash than usual. Chlorine levels were lower (0.02 to 0.04 range). Birds common, including robins, blue jays, crows and sparrows. A LOT of trash in stream and along banks. PM AQ levels were excellent, noise levels crept up a bit to 58 dBA.
February 2018
This is a brief summary of results of chemical and bacterial monitoring at various locations along Sligo Creek.
Bennington Drive
Volume was a bit heavier than usual in SA10. Lots of dead terrestrial worms on the apron and in the pool, as well as a fine layer of gray silt. Iron algae was stronger than usual in SA11. Ammonia-N around usual level here — 0.29 mg/L. Temperature and pH were seasonally appropriate, while salinity/TDS/conductivity all near winter highs. Total chlorine was back up to .26 ppm from 0 last month and surfactants continue to drop, though still high. Air quality and noise levels were both good, though a little louder than usual. Coliform was a mixed bag, with E.coli slight lower, but Total coliform rose somewhat, both at levels higher than we’d like to see. AQ excellent, noise at 44 dB.
Wayne Avenue
Ammonia-N shot way up here this time — 1.04 mg/L, or 4 times last month’s reading. This tracks with Coliform numbers which, as usual, are very hot. Surfactants were way down – about 60% drop – which is good news, despite a steady, moderate flow of surface suds during our visit. Receiving pool has more silt than during our last visit, shallowing it up. Lots of crows and cardinals nearby, as well as raccoon tracks, and the outfall fish are back – about 15, mostly adults, including several almost a foot long. Where they go during the winter remains a mystery. AQ excellent, noise at 58 dBA.
Fleetwood Terrace
Surfactants were high (4 ppm), though down from last reading of 5.7ppm. Free and total chlorine were elevated from norms (.10 and .07 ppm, respectively). Ammonia-N was at 0.13 mg/L, which is a bit high for the open channel. pH appeared quite low at 3.52, so we’ll need to follow up next week to see if this accurate. Coliform levels held steady at higher-than-we’d-like range. The beaver dam has been removed. Snowdrops were in full bloom with some crocus mixed in. Suds seen downstream of monitoring site; there were likely from riffles as upstream run section did not have them. AQ excellent, noise at 50 dB.
Maple Avenue
Flow volume strong in 01A and 01B, as well as 01C, which is unusual. Ammonia-N levels headed up to 0.08 and 0.24 mg/L, respectively. Water level in pool was high, somewhat cloudy, though there was no evidence of recent surfactant discharge. Chlorine levels were back to fairly standard levels (0.03 to 0.11 range), well down from December’s astronomical 3.61 free chorine/5.01 total chlorine in KE01B. Surfactants levels were substantially lower as well. Two duck pairs present when we arrived – mallard and wood duck. A LOT of trash in stream and along banks. AQ excellent, noise at 54 dB.
December 2017
This is a brief summary of results of chemical and bacterial monitoring at various locations along Sligo Creek.
Bennington Drive
Salinity/TDS/conductivity all remain near their standard winter highs. Chlorine levels and ammonia-N were zero, which is unusual and welcome. Detergent levels, however, were high (4.7 ppm LAS), though down from last month’s 6.1. Sound levels were low (40 dB) and air readings were good, but Coliform levels more than tripled from November’s readings. No snails, but many birds present. Gray silt in receiving pool now; last month was clean and sandy.
Wayne Avenue
Ammonia-N here was half of last month’s high reading. Salinity, pH and TDS were all slightly below winter averages. Chlorine was low, but detergent level was quite high again (5.6 ppm LAS). Ice surrounded the outfall’s surface waters, including a patch of brownish yellow foam frozen into it. Coliform levels were again extremely high. No fish or birds.
Fleetwood Terrace (main channel)
Water temperature (0.1 C) was noticeably lower than at outfalls. Brrr. Detergents were high at 5.7ppm. Free and total chlorine were elevated (.10 and .07 ppm, respectively). Coliform levels ticked back up to the 1000/2000 ECU level. No aquatic life visible, but a beaver dam is well under way and water level upstream is rising.
Maple Avenue
Flow volume moderately strong in 01A and 01B, no flow in 01C. Ammonia-N levels way down to 0.04 and 0.01 mg/L, respectively. Salinity, TDS and conductivity levels were low, but pH was high (+8). Chlorine levels in KE01A were high, but nothing compared to KE01B (3.61 free chorine, 5.01 total chlorine). These levels are higher than commonly found in swimming pools and hot tubs. Surfactants levels were high in both outfalls as well.
On the chemical readings, surfactants (soaps/detergents) everywhere appear to remain persistently high. Sediment was not the pressing issue this time around that it has been for much of the fall. On the biological side, as always, Wayne Avenue produces the highest Coliform readings, and we generally saw some increases in Coliform readings, except at Maple Avenue (the chlorine blast being a part of that).
November 2017
This is a brief summary of results of chemical and bacterial monitoring at various locations along Sligo Creek.
Bennington Drive
Volume was moderate at SA 10 with few suds. Salinity/TDS/conductivity were all slightly higher than usual for this time of year. Occasional small suds in current. Chlorine levels were back up, as was ammonia-N (0.26 mg/L). Surfactants level was very high (6.1 ppm), sound levels were down from prior readings (to 43 dB) and air readings were quite clean as usual. Coliform levels were down substantially from October’s reading, but E. Coli tripled. Our snails appear to be gone for the season. Outfall had maroon algae, which i common here. Bird activity was high. Almost no silt or dirt in receiving pool – unusually clean, sandy bottom.
Wayne Avenue
Ammonia-N edged up to the 0.50 mg/L mark. Salinity, pH and TDS were all slightly below fall averages. Chlorine quite elevated (.08 ppm total chlorine), surfactants also extraordinarily high (6.3 ppm LAS). Steady stream of suds down main channel was clearly visible. Light tan algae on outfall’s final 2 feet. Coliform levels extremely high – TNTC (too numerous to count) About 20 fish, all 4 to 8 inches long above leaf litter of receiving pool. Moderate flow in channel. AQ readings slightly higher (worse) than at Bennington, but still within the safe/excellent range. Noise level averaged about 57 dB. No birds seen.
Fleetwood Terrace (main channel)
Temperature was noticeably lower than at outfalls. Surfactants were much higher than usual here as well (3.9 ppm). Free and total chlorine were lower than recent readings (.01 and .02 ppm, respectively). Ammonia-N ticked down to 0.14 mg/L and conductivity, TDS and salinity all remain fairly low. Coliform levels have dropped substantially from mid-summer readings (now 600EC/1500TC). No aquatic life visible, but a great blue heron appears to have made the newly-built seep one of its hunting grounds. Algae covering the rocky substrate, still about 3 to 9 inches long. Moderate flow in channel, currently impeded by a branch and leaf dam that has raised the water level behind it by about 4 inches. PM readings excellent, dB again at 52.5.
Maple Avenue
Pool appeared to have received small detergent discharge just before arrival. Then a 30-minute slug of sediment from 01A outfall began during monitoring. Steady stream of suspended, light tan sediment that clouded the pool brown and filled half the receiving apron. This same light tan colored sediment is clearly visible all across the apron, suggesting this is not an isolated incident. Flow volume moderately strong in 01A and 01B, no flow in 01C. Ammonia-N levels were about double October’s (0.14 and 0.34 mg/L, respectively). Salinity, TDS and conductivity levels were low. Water level in pool was moderate, outfall apron cracks have grown and it continues to tip into the receiving pool. Chlorine levels in KE01A were quite low, but sky high in KE01B (.07 free chorine, .30 total chlorine). Surfactants were high in both outfalls as well, particularly KE01A (3.7ppm). Raccoon tracks in iron algae of KE01A only. A fair amount of plastic trash, leaf dam in 01B. PM AQ levels were excellent, noise levels at about 57 dB, which is normal here.
Park Ritchie
No report made.
On the chemical readings, surfactants (soaps/detergents) everywhere and sediment at Maple Avenue are the big surprises. On the biological side, as always, Wayne Avenue produces the highest Coliform readings, and we also saw a big spike in the KE01A numbers at Maple Ave in TKPK. Bennington was a mixed bag and Fleetwood’s numbers were a step in the right direction. Please let me know if you have any questions about this month’s chemical or Coliform readings. As always, I will share this with Steve Martin at DEP as well.
September 2017
This is a brief summary of results of chemical and bacterial monitoring at various locations along Sligo Creek.
Bennington Drive
Ammonia-N level was normal for this location. Volume was high from SA 10 with very few suds. pH and temperature as well as salinity/TDS/conductivity were all slightly higher than usual for this time of year. Chlorine levels were quite low, as was ammonia-N (0.11 mg/L). Surfactants were almost half of what they were last time out, sound levels were normal (50 dB) and air readings were extraordinarily clean. Coliform levels down substantially from late June’s reading but are still elevated. May have startled a frog into the receiving pool but can’t be sure. There were about a hundred snails clustered around the SA10 outfall and bird activity was high. An apparently thick layer of silt or dirt or dead algae covered the bottom of the receiving pool. Maroon color on outfall pipe stone.
Wayne Avenue
Ammonia-N remains near the 0.40 mg/L mark. Salinity, pH and TDS all slightly below fall averages. Chlorine slightly elevated, surfactants on the rather high side (3.4ppm LAS). Light brown algae on outfall’s final 2 feet. Coliform levels quite high as usual, but 30% to 50% lower than the summer readings. About 100 fish gathered in radial lines centered on the outfall, everything from fingerlings to adults. Approx. 80% blacknose dace, 20% white suckers. Deep, wide flow in channel. PM readings excellent, dB at about 57, per usual.
Fleetwood Terrace (main channel)
Surfactants were lower (1.1 ppm) than usual. Free and total chlorine are still noticeable (.02 and .04 ppm, respectively). Ammonia-N ticked up slightly to 0.22 mg/L but conductivity, TDS and salinity all remain near the summer lows. Coliform levels high (around 2K), but much less than mid-summer readings. About 2 dozen fish fry present, as well as snails on sandy bottom, tucked just downstream of trailing rock edges. Algae covering the rocky substrate, but it is shorter now, e.g., 3 to 12 inches, than at the height of summer. Deep, wide flow in channel. PM readings excellent again, dB at 52.5.
Maple Avenue
Pool received small detergent discharge just before arrived, then 20-minute slug while we monitored. Trickle of suds came first from 01B, then a move obvious stream came from 01A. Shampoo or detergent scent in the air several times. Flow moderate to strong, including 01C. Ammonia-N levels were low (0.7 and 0.20 mg/L). Salinity, TDS and conductivity levels were low. Water level in pool was high, delta about 12 inches beneath water surface, outfall apron has cracked and begun to slide into receiving pool. Chlorine levels were high (.05 and .04 ppm) in KE01A, while surfactants were high in KE01B at 3.5ppm LAS. Copious raccoon tracks in iron algae of KE01A only. Some plastic trash on apron and stream banks. PM2.5 and PM10 AQ levels were 50% to 100% higher than at other sites, but noise levels were at about 53 dB, which is lower than usual.
Park Ritchie
No report made.
Our September chemical and Coliform data generally indicate that the Creek’s situation is neither noticeably worsening nor improving compared to previous Septembers. We still see the chronic detergent discharges directly into the Creek from storm water drains along Maple Avenue in Takoma Park, as well as remarkably high levels of Coliform bacteria being discharged from the Wayne Avenue storm water pipe near SSIMS. For at least the past year, we have also seen elevated levels of sediment entering the Sligo Creek system via the Bennington Road tributary, and we continue to see surprisingly high Coliform and chlorine numbers in the main channel. On the positive side, ammonia-N readings are generally flat or down slightly from last year, air quality readings have been excellent, we see somewhat less trash near the pipes and tributary outfalls, and the number of fish and snails present appears to be increasing slightly.
June 2017
This is a brief summary of results of chemical and bacterial monitoring at various locations along Sligo Creek.
Bennington Drive
Last time out (end of April) we had the huge volume with suds and extraordinarily high chlorine readings. This time around, the outfalls were far less dramatic. Ammonia-N levels were average (0.11 and 0.12 mg/L), but salinity, temperature and TDS were all somewhat elevated in SA10. Chlorine levels were back down to their usual range. Surfactant levels were lower than last month, but still in the 3 ppm LAS range. As detailed below, Coliform levels were very high coming from SA10. Receiving pool was somewhat turbid, sediment lessened and water level high, so pool effectively as deep as we’ve seen here. Layer of silt over layer of algae on apron. Flow medium/low respectively (SA10/SA11). PM air quality was excellent, noise level at 49 dB. The snails are back, lots of birds heard, plus mosquitoes. Iron algae absent from SA11; unusual for this time of year.
Wayne Avenue
Ammonia-N remains near the 0.40 mg/L mark. Salinity, pH and TDS all slightly above summer averages. Chlorine at zero, but surfactants were elevated (2.9ppm LAS). Light brown algae on outfall’s final 2 feet. Coliform levels quite high as per usual. About 60 fingerling and juvenile fish, 80% blacknose dace, 20% white suckers. Fewer suds than usual in pipe and main channel, but more trash along banks. Deep, wide flow in channel. Birds everywhere. PM readings excellent, dB at 57.
Fleetwood Terrace (main channel)
Numbers here were pretty standard for the main channel, except surfactants were lower (1.9 ppm) than usual. Free and total chlorine are still noticeable (.03 and .05 ppm). Ammonia-N came in at 0.17 mg/L and conductivity, TDS and salinity all near the summer lows. Coliform levels high (3K to 7K), especially given expected dilution in main channel. About a dozen small fish fry present. Algae covering the rocky substrate, some 2 to 3 feet long. Deep, wide flow in channel so that tree root collars are wet on both sides. PM readings excellent, dB at 53.
Maple Avenue
Pool received small detergent discharge just after we arrived. Laundry detergent scent from 01A easily detected. Flow strong, including 01C. Ammonia-N levels were about half of last month’s, lower than average as well. Salinity, TDS and conductivity levels were low. Water level in pool was high, delta about 6 inches beneath water surface. Chlorine levels, however, were quite high (.09 to .34 ppm) and surfactants were between 1.0 and 2.1ppm. Copious raccoon tracks in iron algae of 01B. Some birds downstream. PM AQ levels excellent, noise levels at about 57 dB.
Park Ritchie
The pool here was as small as we’ve encountered, surrounded by mud filled with deer tracks. Mulch odor was apparent. All levels were extremely high, due to the concentration of pollutants into smaller volume of water. In particular, ammonia-N came in at 1.82 mg/L, chlorine was in the .75 ppm range, and surfactants registered a 6.1 ppm LAS. AQ excellent and noise dB at about 50.
April 2017
This is a brief summary of results of chemical and bacterial monitoring at various locations along Sligo Creek.
In Silver Spring at Bennington Drive Dramatic change to outfall during my monitoring visit. Flow went from moderate volume and clear, to the fastest flow rate I’ve seen here, filled with detergent suds and smelling of chlorine. This large discharge lasted at least 40 minutes. Reported 3 times via WWDogs. Ammonia-N levels were average (0.12 and 0.17 mg/L) but these samples were taken before the slug began (same for salinity, temperature and TDS). Total and available chlorine levels were huge – 20 to 50 times average readings here. Surfactant level was also high (4 ppm LAS), though we’ve seen greater values at other outfalls in the past. Receiving pool clear but shallow because of sediment filling up the bottom. Layer of silt over layer of algae on apron. PM air quality was good. Robins and cardinals everywhere, raccoon tracks, but no snails, frogs, etc.
Ammonia-N levels at Wayne Avenue is back to its normal – around 0.40 mg/L. Salinity, pH and TDS all holding steady at typical spring levels. Chlorine quite low, but surfactants were elevated (2.3ppm LAS). Gray algae on outfall’s final 2 feet. About 70 fingerling and juvenile fish, 80% blacknose dace, 20% white suckers. Birds galore.
Downstream, the Fleetwood Terrace numbers were pretty standard for the main channel, except surfactants were higher (2.7ppm) than usual. This could have been a result of this site being about 200 meters downstream from Bennington Tributary. Free and total chlorine were a bit high, especially given the volume and dilution we’d expect to see in the main channel. Ammonia-N came in at 0.15 mg/L and conductivity, TDS and salinity all near the summer lows. No fish present, but lots of birds heard.
In Takoma Park, the Maple Avenue pool appeared to have just received a detergent discharge – cloudy green color, old suds floating on top. Detergent/hair care scent from 01A easily detected, with hint of cigar/cigarette smoke as well. 01B was mostly cigar/cigarette scent. Flow strong this time in all outfalls, including 01C strongest trickle I’ve seen there. Ammonia-N levels were 01A at 0.20 and 01B at 0.27 mg/L, which is about average here. Salinity, TDS and conductivity levels holding steady around average, chlorine levels and surfactants were highest at 01B – around 2.1ppm. Little algae, no fish, mammal tracks, some birds downstream. PM air qual levels good here as with other sites today. Noise levels average at around 53dB.
No report for Park Ritchie this month, Pat ran out of time.
February 2017
This is a brief summary of results of chemical and bacterial monitoring at various locations along Sligo Creek.
In Silver Spring at Bennington Drive storm water outfalls, salinity and conductivity levels all declined slightly, while the chlorine levels nudged up a bit. The water from both pipes contained more ammonia-N (which is often an indicator of biological matter or waste in the water) than December’s reading. Coliform levels more than tripled at the left pipe (facing up stream), and also rose slightly in the right pipe. and detergent levels both pipes remain high, though slightly lower than our last readings.
Ammonia-N levels at Wayne Avenue’s fell by almost 85% from December’s remarkably high levels (1.14 mg/L). Conductivity, TDS and salinity all held steady, surfactants declined somewhat but remain very high, and chlorine edged up slightly. Coliform levels declined to “only” 30,000 cfus/100mL from the usual “too numerous too count” level. Wayne Avenue’s outfall pipe is consistently quite high for E. Coli and Total Coliform ¬ – far above recommended skin contact levels.
Downstream, the Fleetwood Terrace location – in the middle of the Sligo Creek channel near the parking lot on Sligo Creek Parkway between Wayne Avenue and Piney Branch Road – also saw high levels of Coliform in the water (three to six times December’s readings). Chlorine levels quadrupled and surfactants (essentially, detergents, cleaners, soap) remained stable but high. Most of the rocks on the bottom of the stream in this stretch are now covered with a long, dark gray algae.
In Takoma Park, the Maple Avenue storm water outfalls continue to see visible pollutant discharges of detergents. Ammonia-N levels were low in the left pipe, but almost tripled in the right pipe to 0.29 mg/L. The right pipe also saw a ten-fold increase in its Coliform levels as compared to December’s readings. Conductivity, TDS and salinity readings essentially held steady near recent lows.
The CSO overflow pools behind the Park Ritchie apartments had their lowest water levels that we have seen. All pollutants rose when compared to December’s readings, in some cases by five to ten times. In particular, the southwest pool had a chlorine reading of 0.5 ppm, more than ten times its prior level. These high levels are not unexpected because of the lack of rain and concentration of pollutants in a small bodies of standing water. Coliform levels were lower than normal. Because of the Coliform levels we are finding at our flowing monitoring sites, we would not recommend that you or your pets enter the Creek near these outfalls or the main channel near Fleetwood Terrace at this time or, if you do, we recommend that you wash thoroughly with soap and water after any contact.
II. FOSC Chem/Bio Water Quality Monitoring: Site Data Averages
Each site box below contains data tables of the annual data averages for the Water Quality testing parameters at that site from 2018 to 2022.
There are gaps in the data during the monitoring periods, yet we hope that the information helps give a broad sense of how Sligo Creek chemistry and ecology may be changing over time.
As more data becomes available for our newer measured pollutants, and at our newer sites, we’ll add graphs of these trends as well.
We have developed graphs summarizing data trends we’re seeing for some of our monitored parameters and pollutants at most of these water quality sites. These graphs can be seen on the upcoming Data Trends page.
–Pat Ratkowski, Water Quality Committee chair
2022.03 ChemBac WQ Site Summary – Bennington
2020 ChemBac WQ Site Summary – Bennington
(see next Section for earlier data)
2022.03 ChemBac WQ Site Summary – Wayne
2020 ChemBac WQ Site Summary – Wayne
(see next Section for earlier data)
2022.03 ChemBac WQ Site Summary – Fleetwood
2020 ChemBac WQ Site Summary – Fleetwood
(see next Section for earlier data)
2020 ChemBac WQ Site Summary – Maple 01B
(See next Section for earlier data)
Park Ritchie – June 2017
(see next Section for earlier data)
III. FOSC Chem/Bio WQ Monitoring: Field Data Sheets for Historic Data
(Note: to see Coliform data visit the FOSC Coliform Data page)
Bennington Drive
Bennington Drive – September 2017
Bennington Drive – June 2017
Bennington Drive – December 2016
Bennington Drive – November 2016
Bennington Drive – October 2016
Bennington Drive – September 2016
Bennington Drive – August 2016
Bennington Drive – July 2016
Bennington Drive – June 2016
Bennington Drive – May 2016
Bennington Drive – March 2016
Bennington Drive – December 2015
Bennington Drive – November 2015
Bennington Drive – October 2015
Bennington Drive – September 2015
Bennington Drive – August 2015
Bennington Drive – July 2015
Bennington Drive – May 2015
Bennington Drive – April 2015
Bennington Drive – March 2015
Bennington Drive – December 2014
Bennington Drive – November 2014
Bennington Drive – September 2014
Bennington Drive – June 2014
Bennington Drive – November 2013
Bennington Drive – October 2013
Bennington Drive – July 2013
Bennington Drive – May 2013
Bennington Drive – April 2013
Bennington Drive – March 2013
Bennington Drive – February 2013
Bennington Drive – November 2012
Bennington Drive – October 2012
Bennington Drive – September 2012
Bennington Drive – August 2012
Bennington Drive – March 2012
Wayne Avenue
Wayne Avenue – September 2017
Wayne Avenue – June 2017
Wayne Avenue – December 2016
Wayne Avenue – November 2016
Wayne Avenue – October 2016
Wayne Avenue – September 2016
Wayne Avenue – August 2016
Wayne Avenue – July 2016
Wayne Avenue – June 2016
Wayne Avenue – May 2016
Wayne Avenue – March 2016
Wayne Avenue – December 2015
Wayne Avenue – November 2015
Wayne Avenue – October 2015
Wayne Avenue – September 2015
Wayne Avenue – August 2015
Wayne Avenue – July 2015
Wayne Avenue – May 2015
Wayne Avenue – April 2015
Wayne Avenue – March 2015
Wayne Avenue – December 2014
Wayne Avenue – November 2014
Wayne Avenue – September 2014
Wayne Avenue – June 2014
Wayne Avenue – November 2013
Wayne Avenue – October 2013
Wayne Avenue – July 2013
Wayne Avenue – May 2013
Wayne Avenue – April 2013
Wayne Avenue – March 2013
Fleetwood Terrace
Fleetwood Terrace – September 2017
Fleetwood Terrace – June 2017
Fleetwood Terrace – December 2016
Fleetwood Terrace – November 2016
Fleetwood Terrace – October 2016
Fleetwood Terrace – September 2016
Maple Avenue (Legacy Site)
Maple Avenue – September 2017
Maple Avenue – June 2017
Maple Avenue – December 2016
Maple Avenue – November 2016
Maple Avenue – October 2016
Maple Avenue – September 2016
Maple Avenue – August 2016
Maple Avenue – July 2016
Maple Avenue – June 2016
Maple Avenue – May 2016
Maple Avenue – March 2016
Maple Avenue – December 2015
Maple Avenue – November 2015
Maple Avenue – October 2015
Maple Avenue – September 2015
Maple Avenue – August 2015
Maple Avenue – July 2015
Maple Avenue – May 2015
Maple Avenue – April 2015
Maple Avenue – March 2015
Maple Avenue – December 2014
Maple Avenue – November 2014
Maple Avenue – September 2014
Maple Avenue – June 2014
Maple Avenue – November 2013
Maple Avenue – October 2013
Maple Avenue – July 2013
Maple Avenue – May 2013
Maple Avenue – April 2013
Maple Avenue – March 2013
Maple Avenue – February 2013
Maple Avenue – November 2012
Maple Avenue – September 2012
Maple Avenue – August 2012
Park Ritchie (Legacy Site)
Park Ritchie – June 2017
Park Ritchie – December 2016
Park Ritchie – October 2016
Park Ritchie – September 2016
Park Ritchie – August 2016
Park Ritchie – July 2016
Park Ritchie – May 2016
Park Ritchie – March 2016
Park Ritchie – December 2015
Park Ritchie – November 2015
Park Ritchie – October 2015
Park Ritchie – September 2015
Park Ritchie – July 2015
Park Ritchie – May 2015
Park Ritchie – April 2015
Park Ritchie – March 2015
Park Ritchie – December 2014
Park Ritchie – November 2014
Park Ritchie – September 2014
Park Ritchie – June 2014
Park Ritchie – October 2013
Park Ritchie – July 2013
Park Ritchie – May 2013
Park Ritchie – April 2013
Park Ritchie – March 2013
Park Ritchie – February 2013