Each committee focuses on an important aspect of the health of Sligo Creek’s watershed. These committees vary their activities and activism, depending on urgent concerns of the moment and on participants’ interests.
All committees are open to new participants and to the ideas, perspectives, and energy that new people bring. Contact the Committee chairperson directly (see the listing) or submit the Contact form to indicate your interest in working as part of a Committee.
Our commitment comes from a shared sense of responsibility to future generations as well as our current enjoyment and benefit from the creek.
Committee | Chairperson |
Advocacy | Kit Gage |
Invasive Plants/RIP/Weed Warriors | Walter Mulbry |
Litter and Sweep the Creek | Ed Murtagh |
Natural History | Michael Wilpers |
Stormwater | Elaine Lamirande |
Water Quality | Dean Tousley |
Help us humans appreciate and preserve the variety and abundance of plants and animals in Sligo Creek.
Chairperson: Michael Wilpers
Sweep trash from Sligo Creek to restore its natural beauty and develop a closer connection to our natural world.
Chairperson: Ed Murtagh
Identify and remove invasive plants in Sligo to allow native plants and wildlife to thrive.
Chairperson: Walter Mulbry
Systematically monitor Sligo's water quality and educate the public about the importance of clean water.
Chairperson: Dean Tousley
Reduce, slow and clean stormwater runoff to preserve the Creek's health and the plants and animals who inhabit it.
Chairperson: Elaine Lamirande