Board Meeting, September 9, 2015
Attendees: Kit Gage, Bruce Sidwell, Mike Smith, Jim Anderson, Sarah Jane Marcus, Sherrell
Goggin, Dee Clarkin, Corinne Stevens, Amy Wesolek (guest)
Minutes from last meeting: approved
1. Treasurer’s Report
– Sherrell Goggin introduced as Assistant Treasurer
– Treasurer’s report was read and accepted
2. Thank you notes FY 2015
– Amy will send (electronic) tax letter and thank you to everyone who donates
– Over $100: Kit will send a specialized thank you letter
3. Purple Line
– Kit will forward notice of upcoming hearing to board list
– Kit will attend hearing on behalf of FOSC
4. Board Terms
– Begin to think about turnover/succession
– Kit will assign board terms to current members
5. Long Branch and Sligo Neighborhood Association Grant
– Fiscal agent agreement language approved
– Kit will send to Dee once signed by all parties
6. Database
– Kit will make sure committee chairs know they are getting new member emails
– Kit will draft message for Amy to send to as a thank you immediately following sweep
– Sarah Jane will make sure all sign-in sheets have an email field and get them to Patton
for Sweep
– Kit will email Patton to remind her to tell section leads to send sign in sheets to Amy after
the Sweep
7. Sweep
– Sarah Jane will email Dee and Kit for help in translating bridge signs into Spanish
8. Invasives
– Wavyleaf basket grass found in Section 9