Friends of Sligo Creek Board Meeting July 30th, 2014
Sarah Jane Marcus House
Attendees: Kit Gage, Sarah Jane Marcus, Jim Anderson, Corinne Lackner Stephens,
Terry Anderson, Mike Smith, Laura Mol, Ann Hoffnar, Michael Wilpers, Andrew
Marcus; note taker Mike Smith


Major Action Items:
Board agrees to be responsible with Roundtable for identifying meeting topics and
speakers; Sarah Jane Marcus to be Outreach Coordinator.
Board agrees to hold future meeting to find new Natural History chair; Michael
Wilpers agrees to be contact person.
Board signs contract with Andrew Marcus for database.
Kit sends advocacy letter to Maryland Transit Authority on Purple Line.


Outreach: FOSC outreach team had met on 7/28/2014 and made written
recommendations for the Board to consider. Major change is outreach would like
board and roundtable to be responsible for meeting topics. Sarah Jane will be
Outreach Coordinator instead of Outreach Committee Chair. Michael W. passed
along recommendation by Marty Ittner that FOSC produce small flyer that focuses
specifically on FOSC membership solicitation as the FOSC brochures are more of a
general introduction to the group. Michelle Morgan is contact person for FOSC
brochure design. Ann Hoffnar asked to be relieved of compiling annual
accomplishments; board asked Ann if this could be revisited at September meeting.
Kit will talk to Clair Garman about his thoughts on potentially training people on
FOSC web site maintenance.


Natural History: Laura Mol requested the board look for a new Natural History
Committee chair. Chair tasks are communicating with board about natural history
priorities, budgeting, and listing yearly accomplishments. Natural history projects
include plant inventory, bee survey, outings and meetings, PEPCO right of way,
FOSC sightings web page, special requests. Board agreed to come up with plan to
have public meeting (possibly in October) of people interested in natural history,
using database, listserv, and newsletter to identify and promote. Michael Wilpers
agreed to work on language for the meeting and to be the contact person.


Water Quality: Corinne Lackner Stephens reported on progress towards possible
Snapshot Day investigating illegal discharges. Likely date is Saturday October 25th. Center for Watershed Protection staffing changes have caused difficulties.
Anacostia Watershed Society is partner. CWP has produced map of 30 potential
sampling sites (27 in Montgomery, 3 in Prince George’s) —Corinne will forward to
board requesting help identifying higher priority sites in the likely event we don’t
have enough volunteers to monitor all 30 sites. CWP will provide brief training and
the sampling supplies on the Snapshot Day. CWP haven’t been responsive of what
FOSC is supposed to do with results. Mike Smith agreed to coordinate event if
Corinne is unavailable because of expectancy; Mike also reported on recent
macroinvertebrate monitoring of Sligo for the Audubon Naturalist Society and WSSC
bacteria monitoring.


Stormwater: Kit Gage reported sod cutter has been bought and paid for. Also Kit
will be leading a tour for the Takoma Horticultural Club of stormwater projects
installed by Montgomery County DOT and DEP in the Sligo Park Hills neighborhood
of Takoma Park, Wednesday August 20th, 6:30 p.m.
Database: Board agreed to contract terms with Andrew Marcus for database work
and Kit signed contract. Delivery date 90 days from meeting day; possibility of
specialized training sessions for section leaders, committee chairs, etc.


RIP: Jim Anderson reported that biological invasives control conference meeting on
July 28th in Sligo Creek highly successful from publicity standpoint—high number of
attendees required group to be split into two outings. Wildlife Habitat Council will
be given tour of site by Carole Bergmann of MNCPPC on August 18th. MNCPPC will
be providing 250-500 perennial plants for planting at site just inside Beltway in the


Advocacy: Kit Gage sent FOSC letter cosigned by Audubon Naturalist Society,
Anacostia Watershed Society, and Neighbors of Northwest Branch, asking Maryland
Transit Authority to use maximum stormwater controls on Purple Line project.
Response expected soon, at which point this could be potentially reported through
the FOSC newsletter.


Trash: Fall Sweep on September 27th-28th; Michael Wilpers will make announcement
in August newsletter.


Miscellaneous: Terry Anderson will be training in treasurer skills with Vanessa
Andrews. No board meeting in August, next meeting likely in early September.