Successful Appeal of the PG County Decision to Allow a Royal Farms Gas Station Next to Sligo Creek Park

Last month, a determined group of neighbors with FOSC and others successfully challenged a proposed 16-pump gas station alongside Sligo Creek Park. Through the combined efforts of the Carol Highlands Neighborhood Association (CHNA), FOSC, the Chesapeake Bay Foundation, UMD Law School students, and others, the gas station developer Royal Farms withdrew its zoning application. The gas station and convenience store would have been at the southwest intersection of East-West Highway and Riggs Road. The site directly abuts Sligo Creek Park and would have placed the gas pumps within 100 feet of the creek itself, presenting a serious risk from carcinogenic benzene fumes to wildlife and people. Kudos to all for your hard work and perseverance.

Read the full article on the Advocacy page.

A fence with Sligo Creek park on one side and the proposed 16-pump gas station site on the other.

A fence with Sligo Creek park on one side and the proposed 16-pump gas station site on the other.

A bird's eye view of the proposed site and Sligo Creek park next to it.

A bird's eye view of the proposed site and Sligo Creek park next to it.