Stormwater Committee Meeting
September 11, 2008

Ed Murtagh (Chair)
Ann Hoffnar
Wendy Bell
Joseph Hogan
Kit Gage
Jenny Reed
Heather Phipps
Kathy Michels
Diane Cameron

Guest: Carla Brown of Clean Water Action

Road Code
Diane said we should comment on the Montgomery County Road Code draft. She will organize our comments.

The Stormwater Permit
This is a huge victory for us and for the County. Due to tireless work of the Stormwater Partners, our comments were actually taken. We will definitely need to help with outreach. Diane will draft some talking points for ordinary citizens to use to write letters. Here are the main points:

  • We like the permit
  • The permit will go a long way to cleaning up polluted waters and a long way toward saving high quality streams.
  • However, there are gaps
  • The permit lacks deadlines for implementation
  • MCPS are not directly addressed

We should talk to Weast about the permit with respect to schools. There is a MCPS sustainable landscaping workshop coming up at Brookside Gardeners. This would be a good time to talk to the MCPS Design and Construction Division.

Stormwater Partners Meeting Planned
The date will be either September 29 or 30 and it will be 7-9 p.m. Nancy will set and get back to us.

Neighborhood Raingardens

  • Raingarden installation Saturday September 13 at Ether’s house
  • Planting day at Forest Estates October 11 (2 hours; 4 houses). Outreach will need to be done by someone–who?
  • Pam Rowe might help with outreach during planting day.
  • Jenny and Kit are willing to help access people’ yards for feasibility of raingardens.
  • The Parkland Pool raingarden is already dug.

Raingarden work in General
Pam Rowe is concerned that we are not following all the specifications in her plan, However September 17 we have a RainScapes meeting with her at 7:30 at the Dennis Rec Center. She is willing to revise the application. Getting moving on this program is important. As Ed points out, we drain to the Anacostia and much of the pollution in the Anacostia is caused by Montgomery County–a little known fact. Carla, our guest, may be able to help us make the case.

Ed will make a presentation to North Hills of Sligo Creek’s Landscape Club

Ed will also talk to the Woodmoor-Pinecrest group on Long Branch for the NNWB. Subject: RainScapes and Homeowner Stormwater Management.

Ed and Jenny wrote a small watershed grant request to CWP asking for project management and technical support. It is a nationwide grant announcement so our chances are not big but at least we have language for the next announcements which come our way.

March Program Meeting
Our Committee will be responsible for the March Friends of Sligo Creek program meeting. We are thinking of something like “Gardeners for the Bay” Or “Gardeners for Sligo” We can tie the program meeting into our Spring LID tour.

minutes by Ed Murtagh and Ann Hoffnar

Edward Murtagh’s Report on September 17th 2008 Meeting

There was a RainScapes Implementation Meeting this evening. It was quite informative. Here are some of the updates:

DEP’s contractor URS is working on a new RainScapes Design Manual. Ansu John (DEP) is working on a new RainScapes website. DEP is looking a including design charts that allow shallower rain gardens (planting bed depths of 1, ft, 2 ft and 3 ft.) Also, the results of the perc tests will be used in sizing the rain garden. DEP would prefer us to design rain gardens to manage the 1 year 24 hour storm event – 2.7” for quantity control. Will work with us if we can only get 1.5” of captured rain, which is the quality control.

We got an update on the new RainScapes coordinator that is being hired. This person will focus on the RainScape Rewards while Pam Rowe will focus of the subwatershed implementation. DEP is hoping to have the new person on board by the end of the year.

DEP is looking to have rain garden workshops. Sligo Creek may get one in the spring (once the new RainScapes Coordinator is on board.)

There will be a permeable pavers training, more for contractors, on Oct 16.

In the winter DEP is planning on Landscape Contractor training.

DEP is planning on working with Master Gardeners more including possibility of Master Gardeners doing rain barrel workshops.

There have been some positive updates on DEP working with DOT. DEP has been working with Fred Lees and Tracey Wroe (former South River Federation Riverskeeper) They are interested in using LID in the traffic calming practices and ROWs. DEP is paying for LID practices. DEP is looking at Roadway Segments in headwaters of Sligo Creek and the Breewood Manor neighborhood.

There was some discussion about the future of rain barrels in the rebate program. The smaller rain barrels, 55 gallon and smaller, are labor intensive for DEP and there is little stormwater benefits. Looking at cisterns (over 250 gallons) and larger rain barrels instead.

There was a discussion regarding getting more commercial and institutional properties involved, including churches. DEP asked if we knew any churches interested in participating (institutions get up to $5,000).

We were given updates on subwatershed projects – Glen Echo Heights, Ken Gar, etc. DEP is looking at Anacostia subwatersheds.

We got several updates on County Public LIDs, including very interesting County Gov’t core in Rockville which will feature green roof and many other practices. Long list of LID retrofit opportunities have been identified. MCPS and County appear interested in green roofs. There will be a green roof tour of County examples (4 sites).

We also got updates on RainScapes rewards rebates to date. Many rebates for rain barrels. Significant number of rebates for conservation landscaping. Only 7 rain gardens got rebates. Overall, DEP is reporting that projects appear to be cost effective in managing stormwater compared to traditional practices.

Pam Rowe – DEP
Doug Marshall – DEP
Meo Curtis – DEP
Jim Fary (NNWB)
Kathy Michels (FOSC)
Ed Murtagh (FOSC, NNWB)
Steve Dryden (FORCE)
Carol Hall (Master Gardeners.)
Kit Gage (FOSC)
Andie Murtha (Kesington)