Litter Committee Minutes
June 28, 2007

  1. Decaling of storm drains: Jane showed us the Sligo-specific decals and accompanying flier for residents. Wendi will write up announcement for listserv and link it to website to get the program started. Jane has decaled a lot in her neighborhood already. Well need to get scouts involved to deliver fliers.
  2. Fall Sweep the Creek: Wendi will start organizing in late June/early August.
  3. Soccer player outreach and bilingual signage: Wendi will check in with Jorge Medrano about his efforts and well follow up with ideas to paint trash cans with anti-litter message.
  4. Wendi explained procedure for initiative to get more trash cans and also recycling bins in park. Recyling bins would at least be needed near picnic tables.
  5. Bottle bill: A core local group is convening soon. Ed suggested we find out what the TMDL update is to see what the county will be required to do to about incoming litter.