Litter Committee Minutes
January 19, 2006

Ann Hoffnar advised us on the upcoming litter program meeting (March 21) re deadlines for advertising, room, etc. Did our committee want to have a walk, perhaps to look at trash screen/skimmer? We discussed content of the meeting and decided to have two speakers (one each from Alice Ferguson Foundation and one from Anacostia). For FOSC, Debbie would cover the skimmer, Ed the trash fence. Misc. – Wendi or other

We are planning both an April 9th cleanup, supporting AFF, and an Earth Day cleanup, supporting Anacostia Watershed Society. Wendi is to start notifying section leaders, etc.

We had a guest speaker, John Galli, from Metro Washington Council of Governments talking about Anacostia trash reduction initiatives and low-impact development/Takoma Branch trash reduction project.

We briefly discussed the adopt-a-Creek section idea for groups such as Boy Scouts but concluded that it might not fly right now/we put it aside for now

Debbie Veliz is still working with Casa de Maryland contact and perhaps on some translation work.

Jennifer Kefer brought up Aaron Klein, who was at the program meeting on advocacy and who offered to help FOSC with access to Senator Sarbanes and other officials. Jennifer will be his liaison.

Jennifer offered to set up a tour of county waste facility for anyone interested.