Habitat Projects

The PEPCO Powerline Habitat, aka Kestral Meadow

A Recent Powerline Report

Xavier Courouble of lower Sligo Creek sent this report in late October ’20 on the Pepco powerline habitat project.

Thank you, Xavier, for documenting the many phases of this important project. It clearly shows the tremendous commitment of effort and funding needed to get native plant meadows established in the face of competition from invasive plants and the many recent challenges from Mother Nature.

PEPCO Powerline meadow flower blooming at Sligo Creek

Powerline Plant Survey – 2013

From March through October 2013, Bruce Sidwell and Michael Wilpers of the FOSC Natural History Committee conducted a survey of plants in the PEPCO powerline corridor where it crosses Sligo Creek between New Hampshire Ave and Riggs Road.

View the Survey of Powerline Plants here

The survey compares plant life area between two area of the Sligo Creek and East-West highway: one, the down-hill area, was mown regularly by PEPCO; the other, up-hill area on the other side of the creek, was unmown.

There were:

  • 25 total visits
  • 208 sightings of native plants
  • 264 sightings of alien plants

Plant most often seen were:

  • 20 visits: Red clover
  • 14 visits: Hemp dogbane, Queen Anne’s Lace, White clover
  • 12 visits: Chicory, Common dandelion, Yarrow
  • 11 visits: Early goldenrod, English plantain
  • 10 visits: Pokeweed
  • 9 visits: Horse-nettle

Fall is a great time to hike or bike Sligo’s trails

Check out the PEPCO powerline meadow section for yourself. From the intersection of Sligo Creek at New Hampshire Avenue, travel south east on Sligo Creek trail for about 1,000 feet where you will cross the powerline meadow. The FOSC Trail Guide and Special Features Map in English and Spanish (all below) can guide you.

The trail continues to the confluence of Sligo Creek and Northeast Branch then connects with the Northeast Branch trail to the Anacostia River.

FOSC Trail Guide to Sligo Creek Stream Valley Park Trails describes natural habitats and historic features of the 10 trail sections that make up the 8+ miles of trails in the Sligo Creek watershed.

FOSC Trail Guide to Sligo Creek Stream Valley Park Trails

This Sligo Special Features Map highlights 12 special features within Sligo Creek Park.

Sligo Creek Special Features Map