Water Quality Committee Minutes
April 25, 2007


Adam Griggs (Interstate Commission on the Potomac River Basin)
Masaya Maeda
Tyler Christensen
Anne Vorce
Laurie Bauer
Kathy Michels
Ed Murtagh
Mike Smith


Adam Griggs discussed possible water quality monitoring projects that could be done on Sligo Creek. He emphasized the importance of identifying goals for the program. Some possible goals could be to supplement state and county data, identify targets for restoration, document biodiversity, perform a watershed assessment, monitor for specific known impairments, raise public awareness, and integrate with public education. Adam in the past monitored the Monocacy River in Frederick County as a student at Hood College.
Bacteria monitoring was mentioned as a good potential parameter to measure. Adam recommended that we think about the Colisan Easygel method which is discussed in the online newsletter, The Volunteer Monitor, Volume 18, Number 1. Also, with regards to colorimetric tests he expressed a preference for comparators such as the CHEMetrics kit over more expensive colorimeters.